It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Scenes from a Chinese Mall

View of a hallway with stalls in the Pacific Mall, Toronto, Canada

When Lisa came down to Accordion City for a visit, we — that’s me, Wendy, Deenster, Chris, Rich and Elana — took her to “North America’s Largest Indoor Asian Mall”, the Pacific Mall for Dim Sum and other goodies that are a bit hard-to-find in her home city of Tel Aviv. After a delicious and filling lunch, we cruised the stalls and shops that make up the bulk of the mall, where I captured this photo of one of the more quiet zones. If you’re looking for a change of pace from your standard shopping, and especially if you’re looking for Asian ingredients, Chinese food, Pocky, computer parts, really good hair gel (it’s a major Asian concern), a worthy opponent for Dance Dance Revolution, computer stuff and anime, the Pacific Mall might just be what you seek.

By the way, if you’re looking for Lisa’ blog, On the Face, it’s moved — I’ve set her up with a Blogware blog and she’s now at Same Canadian-born, New York-seasoned journalist-living-in-Israel action, newer, better Blogware-based location.

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