Geek Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Last Minute OPML Meetup at Tucows — Tonight!

[Cross-posted to The Farm and Tucows Developer]

I’ll let Dave

Winer’s OPML weblog do the talking:

OPML Roadshow in Toronto, August


Here’s a surprise, there will be an

impromptu OPML Roadshow meetup in Toronto, Tuesday evening at



Slakinski, co-author of the international hit — iPodderX — is the host, and


has generously offered use of their conference room. We’re still

arranging, this is very quick thing, but it should be great


The meetup should last about two hours, then

we’ll go to dinner at a local restaurant. The usual thing, what we


in NYC and


So now, Murphy-willing, the OPML Roadshow goes


See you in Toronto!!

For those of you who’d be interested in catching

this meetup, Tucows is located at 96

Mowat Avenue, in the Liberty Village distriuct. Mowat is the

first street east of Dufferin off King; we’re a half-block south of


4 replies on “Last Minute OPML Meetup at Tucows — Tonight!”

Hey Joey!

This sounds amazing! How long will y’all be at the office? Could I squeeze by at 7:30? Do you know where everyone’s headed afterwards?


Hey, Tara!

We’d love to have you over. We’ll still be there around 7:30 — just drop by and ring the doorbell. I expect that we’ll be here until at least 8:30.

As for places to go for dinner, I’m still looking into it. I’m hoping that No Regrets is open late tonight, and failing that, the Liberty Street Cafe.

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