In the News

This is Laura. She Rocks Out.

Photo: Laura Bush throws the horns!

Click the photo to see the corresponding Yahoo! News page.

Egad. The only woman less qualified to “throw the horns” is Kathie Lee Gifford.

Perhaps this is related to the news that the other fake cowboy, Kid Rock, is playing the youth presidential inaugural concert hosted by the Bush twins (a.k.a. “Drunk and Drunker”).

4 replies on “This is Laura. She Rocks Out.”

Don’t you mean “aka ‘Hot and Hotter'”?

Also, this is further proof that Dubya married up.

Actually, she may just be throwing up the “Hook Em Horns” sign of the University of Texas…the school that her daughter Jenna attended.

That’s exactly what she’s doing. However, a much larger group of people interpret that hand gesture as “rock on, dude!”

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