In the News

This is either going to break my housemate Paul’s heart or turn him on even more

[ via Stereogum and someone who knows that my housemate Paul worships Britney Spears
] Someone I know suggested that one good way to prevent children from
smoking is to point out smokers and say “Take a good look at the kind
of people who smoke, kids. By and large, they’re poor, stupid or both.”

Or, in some cases, they’re pop stars who hit their zenith a little
while back and are now entering that part of their life that makes for
the more entertaining second half of their Behind the Music biography…

Excuse me miss, didn’t I see you on a recent episode of Cops?

Can we institute some kind of fashion law declaring that you shouldn’t cut your “Daisy Dukes” so that your pockets reach below them?

Cool! She has the same model cellphone as I do!

Why couldn’t she have stayed a classy lady, like that nice Debbie — oops, I meant “Deborah” — Gibson?

5 replies on “This is either going to break my housemate Paul’s heart or turn him on even more”

Debbie Gibson is hella-cool. Much cooler than that Britney Spears chick. Who else but Debbie could make the transition from teenie bopper pop star to punk rock vocalist?

Why do I get this vision of her paying someone to take out Christina Aquilera’s knee caps?
I had forgotten all about Debbie Gibson, yowza!

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