
“My blog! My blog! My blog! It’s in my head!”

Today’s User Friendly continues with its storyline on blogging:

In case you were wondering, here are the lyrics for the first part of Lump by The Presidents of the United States of America (their site currently opens with a sound snippet from Lump):

Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh
Totally motionless except for her heart
Mud flowed up into Lump’s pajamas
Which totally confused all the passing piranhas

She’s Lump! She’s Lump! She’s Lump!
She’s in my head
She’s Lump! She’s Lump! She’s Lump!
She’s might be dead

Lump lingered last in line for brains
And the one she got was sorta rotten and insane
Small things so sad that birds could land
Is Lump fast asleep or rockin’ out with the band

I think Illiad could’ve done better than assonating “pyjamas” with “parameters”. I’d have written

I blog all day in my pyjamas
And check to see if I’m in LJDrama

Lump is part of my accordion repertoire. Maybe I’ll shot a video of me performing the User Friendly parody.

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