

People in the new media industry — I was one of them for a while — have always said “It’s the content, stupid.” Go on all you want about the newest telephone techo-gadgetry; I’ll take my basic Samsung and the entertaining voicemail messages from yesterday over any hot new phone that Gizmodo, the gadget blog, drools over…

Message 1: Saturday July 5th, 12:45 p.m.

Hello Joey, it’s Dad. Your uncle Ravenal just arrived in town. We’re on the patio at Hooters. We request the honour of your company.

Message 2: Saturday July 5th, about 3:00 p.m.

Hi Joey, it’s Meryle. I need you to be my trained monkey…

Message 3: Saturday July 5th, about 5:00 p.m.

Joey, this is Tony. I used to manage The Living Room, where I hired you for a couple of nights to do some go-go dancing. I was wondering if you’d like to do some accordion playing with the house band at my new club…

Message 4: Saturday July 5th, about 7:00 p.m.

Joey, it’s Anne. Remember the girls from my PR class? Tanya’s throwing a party tonight and when they invited me, they kept saying “Bring Joey! Bring Joey!” I know it’s short notice, but if you’re not doing anything tonight, the girls would love to see you…

(And to think I was planning to spend the evening feeling sorry for myself.)

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