
Doc Searls on accordion

Doc’s already run the photo on his blog, but why let him have all the fun? When he was in Accordion City last month, he had a little blogflocking at Toronto’s nicest pool hall, the Academy of Spherical Arts. I blogged the event here, but haven’t yet posted the photo of Doc with my dress accordion (as opposed to the street accordion) and my infamous hat:

Photo: Doc Searls with my hat and accordion. Taken at the Academy of Spherical Arts, March 2003.

Doc Searls! A-list blogger, Linux Journal editor, Cluetrain engineer and all-round sweet guy.

(and hey, while we’re posting gratuitous photos of the accordion and various Internet celebrities, why not the one with me and ubercool computer book publisher Tim O’Reilly?)

Photo: Me, the accordion and Tim O'Reilly. Taken at the O'Reilly P2P Conference, February 2001.

Me and Tim at the first P2PCon. Back when Napster was alive and CARP was just a fish.

Before the whole New Girl fiasco, I was the go-to guy for lewd clothing

…and damned if I’m going to give up the crown.

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, perhaps you should see the Breast Scarf and Butt Skirt postings first. At last check, I still had the number one Google entries for the phrases “breast scarves” and “butt skirt”. Yet another dubious acheivement to add to the list.)

The boob shirt

And now — thanks to John “lemonodor” Wiseman for sending it to me (he even called me the “expert in this domain”) — I present the boob shirt:

Photo: Younger and older woman (daughter and mother?) pose in Mickey/Minnie Mouse boob shirts. An older man (Dad?) looks on, possibly with pride.

Nuclear families gone wild! Look, I’m Filipino, so I know about close-knit families, but I think this might be pushing things a little.

They certainly look like a family, don’t they? Is this mother-daughter bonding, just gone terribly, terribly wrong? And the bald guy on the left — Dad, perhaps — is that sly grin one of paterfamiliar pride? And most importantly, considering that this involves both Disney and copyright issues, has Cory Doctorow been informed?

(Don’t worry about that last one — I emailed him already.)

I’ll have to buy this month’s Playboy, and yes, I’ll be reading it for an article

Adam Keys reports in his blog, Bit Banger, that the breast scarf photos have finally appeared in Playboy. If you recall from an earlier blog posting, I was contacted by a Playboy photo editor, who asked if they could buy the rights to the photos. I told them that the photos were not mine, and pointed them to my friend Karin, who had forwarded them to me in an email. I guess that they managed to follow the email trail back to the rights-holders of the photos.

Never in my wildest dreams of adolescence did I conceive that someday, even Hugh Hefner’s empire would be influenced by me. I think I’ll use my best Mr. Burns voice and say “Excellent. It’s all falling into place.”

While outdone by the ladies above, the Japanese have their own naughty t-shirts

My friend, former OpenCola coworker, Blogger coder and Google employee Steve Jenson sent me this link to some naughty women’s t-shirts from the Land of the Rising Tentacle. I’d have posted it sooner, but real life weirdness got in the way.


Work with me here, folks…

When I wrote the New Girl story, I got a couple of joke emails and comments saying “So she’s available, right?”

But nobody ever made the joke: “So you’re available, right?”

Make an honest, charming and handsome accordion player’s day, willya?


Kick Ass Karaoke tonight!

Once again, that Accordion City institution, Kick Ass Karaoke, takes place tonight. It’s at the usual place — the infamous Bovine Sex Club — and the fun starts at 9:00 p.m.

I’ll be there, of course.

Want to know what the fuss is all about? Here’s a previous blog entry with photos.


Now available on Capital of Nasty

While I don’t want this to become the “All New Girl, All The Time” weblog, I should let you know that the darkly funny web site, Capital of Nasty, is now running the New Girl story. Thanks, Leandro!



I remember attending Clay Shirky’s talk about LiveJournal at last year’s O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. I wasn’t particularly interested in the topic; I’d just ducked in there to avoid John “Captain Crunch” Draper, who’d been hounding me throughout the entire conference to help him do some “energy transfer work” in my room. Eager to avoid a tear-filled session where I’d have to play-act the “bad touch” incident at a therapist’s with anatomically-correct dolls, I thought I’d go see what insights Clay had come up with in his months of LiveJournal research.

(A friend later said: “If you’d been in the hacker community as long as I have, you’d have known that Crunch was a creepy gay old man,” to which I replied “If you’d been in the having-a-life community as long as I have, you’d be able to figure it out pretty quickly.” Nerd.)

At some point, Clay was talking about the kind of stuff that people typically wrote in their LiveJournals and I quipped to someone beside me: “LJ people. Yeesh.”

If the New Girl Situation is some kind of karmic payback for the LiveJournal dis, I would like to ask the cosmos: “I think my account’s all settled, don’t you?”

If you’ve been reading the comments from the New Girl story, you’ve probably seen comments from Mean One, someone who’d been burned by New Girl far worse than I was. She’s created a LiveJournal just to tell her own New Girl story.

I didn’t know there was a blog that chronicled LiveJournal drama, but such a beast exists: Naturally, the New Girl drama did not escape their notice.


This one’s for the UFies…

…UFies, being those who read the geek-culture comic strip User Friendly. The New Girl story is their Link of the Day, so I thought I’d say hi to them with these Dust Puppy-related photos from LinuxWorld Expo NYC 2000:

Photo: Me and the Dust Puppy at LinuxWorld Expo NYC 2000.

Me and the Dust Puppy. The Dust Puppy in a Nine Inch Nails fan!

Photo: Me wearing the Dust Puppy's feet.

I try on part of the costume. You know what they say about big feet…