
Scenes from Kickass Karaoke

It wasn’t as crowded as it usually gets at last night’s Kickass Karaoke, but we still had a blast! I got drunk, discovered that they had the karaoke version of Afroman’s Because I Got High (which I dedicated to Coderman). met some interesting new people (read: girls) and caught up with some friends I haven’t seen in a while. Isn’t that what karaoke’s all about?

Your host, Carson T. Foster.I love myself / I want you to love me…”

Takin’ on Lou Reed “It’s the perfect day / Nothing’s gonna bring me down…”

What other karaoke night has a host who strips down to his gitch?

Cheer up, Carson, life is temporary.

“Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap…” Birthday boy Dorian belts out the AC/DC.

Jeff! Here he is, pledging his allegiance to beer. Good man!

Leila! Always lookin’ hot.

“I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high…” I take on Afroman while Jeff holds the mic up to the accordion.

Mike D! Mike’s one of the longest-time regulars — he’s probably one of the few people who’s done Kickass Karaoke longer than I have.

Check out Mike D’s cool two-tone shoes.

Rob! Here he is, striking a GQ pose.

Robyn! I’m not sure what Carson is doing in this shot.

“Hi, we’re happily married, and we bought our garage door opener at Sears.” Just kidding. It’s Robyn and Eric in a nice soft-focus shot. Eric compalined that he looked drunk when he hadn’t had a drink yet. Sure, Eric, whatever makes you feel better, you lush.

“Too-tall” Tina! Another beloved karaoke regular, and rock start in her own right.

Will and Jeff! Hittin’ the karaoke crowd with some soul.

Right…back…atcha! Here’s one of my lounge singer poses. I’m wearing the Pants of Power, which I bought back in ’92. Thanks to Atkins and a whole mess of working out, I fit into them better than I ever did.

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