
Naked News Party! Whoo-hoo!

Last night at Kickass Karaoke:

Carson: Hey, Joey, are you busy tomorrow night?

Me: No, not really. I was thinking of coding up some Konfabulator widgets. Have you tried it on your Mac yet? Really cool stuff.

Carson: Would you like an invitation to the Naked News party at the Lotus Club?

Me: Uhmm…Javascript coding or meeting the Naked News anchors…tough call…tell you what, I’ll take the invite.

Carson: Good man.

Me: Thank you, Carson! Bless you! You’re a prince! A prince among men!

And Char and Leila will be there too! I’ve just invited Paul as my guest, and I think I’ve made him the happiest housemate in the world.

I’ll write it up here afterwards.

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