

This is a “cheese sandwich” posting taken to the next level.

I’m posting this photo of tonight’s dinner, a brisket that I helped Paul make, as a public service. I want to dispel the stereotype that geeks can’t cook. That, and the fact that I’m so easily amused that I think taking pictures of brisket is fun.

If I get permission to post the recipe, I will. In the meantime, you’ll have to either come on over and sample the food or make do with a photo.

Photo: The brisket, just before it went into the oven. You can't see the meat, as it's covered with garlic, onions, potatoes, carrrots, celery, dates and figs.

Brisket! Paul laid out the mea, spiced it and made the sauce, while I covered it in pressed the garlic, sliced the vegetables and covered it.

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