

The Peekabooty icon. Ain't he cute?  After a couple of late nights, a series of debugging sessions and some very hurried cartooning and scanning, Peekabooty is good to go for a demonstration this Sunday at the CodeCon conference in San Francisco.

Unfortunately, it means that I haven’t had much of a chance to add to the blog. I’m going to try to do so tonight, otherwise, I’ll work on it tomorrow during my long CalTrain ride to Mountain View where I’m meeting my friend Jillzilla for dinner.

In the meantime, enjoy this “Stop Internet Censorship” cartoon below. It’s the background image for the Peekabooty installer, featuring Joey-drawn Peekabears. (By the way, the smiley bear face at the start of this posting is the icon for the Peekabooty app).

No uncensored web for you!

Awww….wook at the sad wittle bear who’s not allowed to freely surf…

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