
Dispatches from SxSW, Part 13: Posters, Posters, Posters!

One great thing about South by Southwest is that there’s no shortage of very creative posters. While this collection — a mere thirteen out of what must’ve been thousands — is hardly complete, it’s a set of my favourites. Enjoy!

Poster: "Nah, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the f*ck a quarter pounder is."

Poster: "Weapons of Mouse Destruction"

Poster: "They f*cking drown 'em in that shit."

Poster: "Keep calm and carry wands."

Poster: Not sure, but it looks like a pixelated Jeffery Zeldman

Poster: "Donkey v. Elephant: Stop the Fighting!"

Poster: "Seeking Asian Female"

Poster: "The Amsterdam Fellows"

Poster: "We are Legion"

Poster: "Did you read that article on TechCrunch? Yeah I read it."

Poster: "Your music looks like shit"

Poster: "I like boobies!"

Poster: "Thank you for all your money, now PLEASE GO HOME! -- Austin"