

I’m rather occupied with all manner of chores today. Now that I’ll be working from home, I’m spending the netire day getting my home office properly set up, my library of technical reference books re-organized, and the things I will be using most place withing easy reach. I’m also taking some time to get the household finances in order, which given certain circumstances that I won’t elaborate here, isn’t as easy as it sounds. In the meantime, how about some News McNuggets?

Other things that happened on Tuesday

Aside from my getting sacked, here’s what also happened on Tuesday…

  • Chicks Dig It. Technically it happened on Monday night, but at midnight, it spilled over into Tuesday morning, so I’ll count it as a Tuesday event. Temple Bar looks like a place that would please the Wallpaper*-reading crowd. The place is too cool to have a sign — its facade has a polished steel door below a glowing red cross (in the courtyard leasing to Temple Bar, there is a sign that says, of all things, “Temple Bar”, with an arrow pointing to its entrance). The velvet-curtained entrance leads to a a spacious entranceway where the main bar is located. Behind that is a cozier, darker area where the dance floor competes with the lounge for space. Perhaps the dance area should be put in the more space front section.

    The night started off with a small number of people and reggae music, but once the crowd arrived around 11, the DJ picked up the pace and kicked off a great drum-and-bass set. The people behind the event were very friendly, asking everyone if they were having a good time and thanking them for coming. Rob came along with me and while he wasn’t into dancing, he was enjoying the groove. I ran into some old friends and acquaintances I hadn’t seen in a while: Billy D, Ian Revell, James Fowler and his boyfriend Jeffrey. As is my habit, I took the accordion with me, played along with some of the drum-and-bass, played “Happy Birthday” for Julie, whose birthday was at the stroke of midnight, and got photographed by a guy taking pictures for the Globe and Mail.

    My only complaint: Temple Bar overcharges for drinks. $7 for a pint of local beer?

    Minor gripe about beer pricing aside, I had a great time, and I think it was a promising start to a new incarnation of Chicks Dig it. Chicks Dig It takes place every Monday night at the Temple Bar, 469 King Street West (south side, just west of Spadina — look in the alleyway for the glowing red cross) and the cover is “pay what you can”.

  • Rest in peace, Dave. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, died on Tuesday. He was the last franchise founder still pitching his own product, and he did it in a very down-to-earth, deadpan, aw-shucks kind of way; even though he was the CEO, he often liked to say “I’m just a hamburger cook”. He was a family guy, married to his wife for over 40 years, and his restaurant chain is named after his daughter. An adopted child, he used some of his wealth to create a foundation to find homes for orphans.

    What you probably don’t know is that Dave had a five-second walk-on role in a made-for-TV movie, Bionic Ever After. Yes, a Six Miilion Dollar Man/Bionic Woman made-for-TV movie. There’s a scene where terrorists gunmen have taken over a U.S. Embassy in Nassau during aparty. The guests, along with Steve Austin, have been rounded up and put into the basement. Steve checking to see if anyone’s hurt, and he walks up to Dave and asks “Are you okay, Dave?” to which he replies “I’m okay, Steve.” Bionic Man and Burger Man, together at last.

    So long, Dave, and thanks for all the Frostys.

  • My ex, joined the National Guard. Good luck, Erica, and whatever you do, don’t shoot yourself in the ass like this guy did.


Went to Rancho Relaxo to see Lindi perform in order to get a better idea of what her music is like. I’ll be backing her up on accordion at her CD release party on January 31st at B-Side (Richmond and Peter Streets, above Fez Batik). A fair number of her songs are in 3/4 time and really sound suitable for accordion accompaniment, so I’m looking forward to gigging with her. She’s called a rehearsal for this Sunday, where I’ll get a chance to meet the rest of the band. Should be interesting…

Thursday and today

Thursday evening, I had a number of visitors — first Anne, then Ashley, her brother John and Turner, followed by John Henson and Possum. Thanks for coming to visit, guys!

And the rest of the time, the aforementioned chores. It’s a lot of work, but the home office is really coming together. I still have to get a replacement chair — this crappy office chair I’m currently using isn’t going to cut it. I may also have to get my grubby paws on a monitor, as this 12″ laptop screen isn’t going to do much good. If everyone who owes me money could please pay me back as soon as possible, I would appreciate it.



The company for which I used to work provides a free lunch for all its employees on Thursday. It’s one of the last dot-com niceties we had given the company’s woes over the past year, and it’s also a chance for management to make general announcements and give the grunts the low-down on the status of company (with the requisite spin, of course). If it’s someone’s birthday that week, they bring in a cake. If someone got sacked, then our acting CEO — who used to be one of the partners at our Canadian vulture capitalist firm, and who replaced our original CEO after he got sacked — usually makes some kind of statement, coupled with some explanations if the sackee was a particularly skilled, beloved, or long-time member of the company. I like to think that I fit at least two and a half of these criteria, and guess that my “elegy” sounded something like this…

Acting CEO: Mmm, falafel.

VP R&D: You know, back at Corel, they had some pretty good falafel. I remember this one particular falafel sandwich I had while debugging the square-drawing tool in CorelDRAW! 6…

Acting CEO: (elbowing VP R&D) Later. (turning to rest of room) We had a difficult decision to make at the start of the year. While we do have enough money to ensure that we can complete the product and while the investors have turned around and believe that we can deliver, it’s been made clear to me that we need to cut some more costs. It was a tough call, but we had to let Joey go. It was particularly difficult because he was a good employee who had such a great attitude toward his work, even when things were really bad. However, as the project and programming requirements changed, he didn’t have the skill set…

VP R&D: (muttering) Punkass couldn’t even spell “MFC” a couple of months ago…

Acting CEO: …although he put in long hours trying to make sure he was caught up. He’s done a lot for the company — part of the reason we have a good relationship with people like Microsoft and O’Reilly is due to his programming some really excellent prototype UIs and his outstanding work as Director of Developer Relations. And of course, we’ll never forget all that TV exposure he got us with that crazy accordion of his.

VP R&D: (muttering) Bitch and his accordion. Part of why I left Romania was to get away from the fucking Gypsy Kings and fucking accordions.

John Henson (Chief Scientist, one of the last cool guys left): He was there when we made our first presentations to potential VCs, as well as big-ticket clients like eBay. He also led the team that released our first actual product, COLAvision, at DefCon 2000. He also made sure the new people felt welcome. (Sniffs, stifles a tear.) And he made friends with everybody…the P2P higher-ups at Microsoft, Tim O’Reilly, and (chokes) when we had our Christmas dinner at Medieval Times, he knew the guy who played our knight! (Sobs) I loved him! (Catches possible gay implication) …like a brother! Like a brother!

VP R&D: But we needed somebody who really knew it now. I tried to find different roles for him, but it didn’t work out. That, and he’s one of the old guard, he’s not part of my hand-picked team.

Programmer who replaced me: On first day here, Joey took me to Burger Czar and explained company heestory to me. Made me feel like long-time part of collective. Bozshe moi. Am feelink like dirt now.

John Henson: He was studying MFC pretty hard…he always had that big-ass MFC book with him wherever he went…

Sham (a co-worker of mine, great guy): I will wear a black hood, renounce chasing after loose women and cancel my subscription to Maxim in Joey’s honour!

Waterloo co-op student 1: Uh, if you’re just going to let that Maxim go to waste…

Waterloo co-op student 2: Does the new issue have Jolene Blalock? Subcommander T’Pol is a hot piece of Vulcan ass.

Waterloo co-op student 1: Shut up, Wesley! Seven of Nine is hotter.

Waterloo co-op student 2: You shut up!

John Midgely (another co-worker, also great guy): He gave me his Jesus clock! Depending on the angle you look at it, it shows either Jesus or Mary!

VP R&D: (to employees) On another note, I shaved my moustache. Doesn’t it make me look more resourceful and dynamic?

John Henson: Whenever I’d pick up Joey for the drive to work, all I had to do was ask him to buy me a coffee and he would. And not the cheap coffee, either, but the good dark roast. And he often threw in a cookie or muffin or biscotti. What a sweet guy. I’ll…(chokes)…I’ll miss him…(sobs)…I’m just gonna run over to my desk and stick a gun in my mouth right now…(runs out of room)

Sham: Remember the time he had all those Subway 2-for-1 coupons and he gave them to all of us so that we could have a nice lunch…for half price?! He’s a prince! A prince among men!

John Midgely: Sham, are you sure you can live without Maxim?

Sham: My God, what was I thinking? Can I take it back? Are we allowed take-backs?

(in the background, a shotgun fires, followed by a heavy “thump”.)

Acting CEO: And there’s the time he met this cute chick at the Matador and accidentally gave her my business card. Damn, that was funny. By the way, she called and we hooked up. I’m still partially crippled from that night.

VP R&D: (grumbling) Techno-peasant. Real Programmers don’t pick up chicks in bars.

Acting CEO: Shit, that girl did things to me my wife can’t even pronounce. Thanks, Joey.

Okay, maybe it didn’t happen that way.

(By the way, the bit about my giving the acting CEO’s business card to a woman at a bar is true. Read it in this posting.)


What Would Shaft Do?

Only a few days ago, I posted a new year’s resolution promising that if I was ever in a tight situation, I would ask myself “What would Shaft do?” We’re barely a week into the new year, and thanks to my being sacked, I already have to invoke the name of the black private dick that’s a sex machine to all the chicks. Solid.

In both the 1971 version starring Richard Roundtree as John Shaft and the 2000 version starring Samuel Jackson as the original Shaft’s beloved nephew with the same name, both got out from under “The Man” and went indie. Roundtree Shaft was self-employed as a private invesrtigator; Jackson Shaft was with the NYPD and leaves the force to carry out some bad-ass justice. Unlike me, neither were fired, and I merely handed in my passcard rather than do something explosively cool like Jackson Shaft hurling his police badge as if it were a shuriken (that’s a ninja throwing star) at the wall behind the judge. My point remains: both took the bad-ass indie route, stood up for what was right, and pimp-slapped a few jive turkeys (in the 1971 version) and wack-ass beeyatches (in the 2000 version) along the way. Word.

So, in the spirit of Shaft, I have decided to go indie for a while. Lots of people have started to pay back the lots of money they owe me, the severance pay I got was adequate, and I can live for a while without having to go to an office (especially one in a loathsome suburban hell). I’ve become the second programmer for Peekabooty, an ambitious and much-hyped (and nearly complete) application designed to help people see Web sites that they otherwise would be unable to access due to their country’s censorship of the Web. It does so (this is the really simplified version, mind you) by creating a peer-to-peer network of users that act as what we geeks like to call a distributed proxy server, a convoy of computers that pass web site information to each other, thereby bypassing ‘Net-censoring machines. It was one of the highlights of the last DefCon conference and due to its late delivery, made Wired’s top ten vaporware list for 2001. I will be assisting the lead programmber, Drunken Master, in getting Peekabooty in shape in time for CodeCon in February (and probably H2K2 in July), where we will present it to the hacker community and to the media. It will be an excellent opportunity to continue polishing my mad skillz and getting some street and hacker cred at the same time. I’ll also be dropping some phat beats on the squeezebox while I’m there. Damn right.

If living well is the best revenge, then going indie and working on Peekabooty, a high-profile freedom-of-speech tool for the ‘Net, is like giving my former employers a Shaft-style “up yours, baby!” And I can dig it.



R.I.P. My Job, January 17, 2000 – January 8, 2002

I knew exactly where I was the minute my manager called me into the accountant’s room and sat me in front of what looked like a contract.

I was in Odd Todd Country. Except unlike Todd, I got a severance package.

Today, at the company, half the UI team — a group consisting of myself and a fella I’ll call Robert (after Robert’s Rules of Order, because he loved to debate) — were laid off in favour of two new hires, both white-hot MFC programmers (one of them developed the user interface for at least four versions of Corel Draw) with more C++ experience than I have experience working. They called us into the office individually, starting with me.

I’ll be the first to admit that I took the “have a life” option and have spent a good chunk of my career programming in Visual Basic, the Rodney Dangerfield of Programming Languages. When I was in datapanik, a partnership I shared with my friend Adam Smith (no, not the economist), we used VB rather than C++ because the software we were writing — custom-built productivity applications for businesses — because we could make the software in less time, and such software didn’t need the speed at which apps written in C++ run. These skills served me well until August, when we switched over to C++ development entirely.

While they laid off most of my co-workers, they kept me on as a junior developer on the strength of my prototyping work, my user interface work in VB, and all the good developer relations work I’d done. I took the trouble to try and re-learn C++ programming and learn how to program using MFC (the framework with which Windows programs written in C++ are often built) and was becoming half-decent at it. However, with recent hires who could code circles around me, a need to cut back on spending, no call for prototyping nor developer relations, I had become what Human Resources people call redundant.

Robert was a pretty decent coder. I’d been learning MFC by “reverse-engineering” what he’d written; looking at his source code and taking copious notes. They let him go over non-skill-related issues. He was quite upset about being let go, particularly because he’d just moved into a new house, committed himself to his first mortgage, and probably spent some money on the expenses that go along with moving. To add insult to injury, since he’s from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, he technically got his termination as a Christmas present from the company. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas, you’re sacked.

As for me, I was more disappointed that I hadn’t become sufficiently skilled in C++ and MFC in the company’s eyes in time. I worked hard at it, and probably could’ve given up my life temporarily to learn faster, but I wasn’t ready to sacrifice it for a company that was a shadow of its former self and appeared on the verge of financial collapse. It’s annoying for a programmer to have to admit “I’m not 1337 enough”, but it’s an honest stance and the first step towards improving oneself.

The decision was made by people who’d been at the company less than half as long as I. Mind you, my manager can simply declare himself alpha geek by saying “hands up all those who have written six versions of Corel Draw and Corel Photo Paint” (we’ll ignore for a moment that real graphic artists use Adobe’s Illustrator and Photoshop and don’t sully their hands with Corel’s less-impressive wares — writing it is still tough). I know when I’m outgunned.

Still, I’m a pretty decent programmer, and I’m proud of the work I’ve done, especially COLAvision (the first app the company actually released), Twitch (a prototype P2P for gamers that wowed ’em at the Microsoft ISV conference last summer), and all the unheralded bug fixes I’ve made to the project we were working on (especially since only a couple of months ago, I couldn’t spell “MFC). They’ve lost a quick study, a very clean coder, a guy who understands users and interfaces, their best team player and the only guy in the company who can play the accordion worth a damn.

My co-workers, bless ’em all, were quite surprised and expressed shock and disappointment. First and foremost, I’ll miss riding to work with Henson and listening to Cory’s crazy ideas (by the way, Cory, thanks for phoning to check up on me. You’re a mensch). I also made it a point to get to know the new guys and got on especially well with Midgely, Sham and Joel (hey, guys). I went up to each of them and told them that I was being let go, to stay in touch and to work hard so that my stock options would be worth something. The company’s goodwill ambassador to developers to the very end, that’s me.

It took me the rest of the day — about an hour or so — to gather my files onto CDs and pack up my books. John gave me a lift home, saying something encouraging, if homophobic: “the gay factor in this company has shot through the roof today.” We listened to classic rock on the radio and laughed when they played The Doors’ The End.

Next: Plan B!
or, What would Shaft Do?

Recommended Reading

The What Color Is Your Parachute? site has a How to Deal With being Fired page.

The job board has an Advice for the Jobless section. They also have an article on how to explain being fired in subsequent job interviews.

Dan O’Day has some advice: What to Do When You’re Fired.

I don’t feel like the title of this magazine, but it does have some interesting stories on what happens when things don’t work out quite the way they were planned.

You know, I never got around to watching Office Space. Maybe I’ll rent it this weekend…

“Terminated” Party!

Friday, January 18th chez moi. Please bring stuff. I’m unemployed, you know.


The Deadliest Weapon…

…remains our very own words.

It’s been that way from the beginning, but with the popularization of the Internet and ancillary developments such as instant messaging and especially blogging, search engines like Google and AllTheWeb and archives like The Wayback Machine or Google’s Usenet archive, our words as weapons now have greater range, firepower and fallout than ever before. Exercise your right to free speech by all means (if and while you have it), but remember that freedom untempered by responsibility is a sham.

In the Philippines, you can’t go very far in a major city without running into a sign showing the Rotary Club’s “4 Way Test”, which is how I became familiar with it. Written in 1932 by Rotary Club member Herbert Taylor, it is a twenty-four word code of ethics — complete with some rather regrettable CAPITALIZATION — that he wanted his employees to follow in their business and professional lives. Rotary International adopted the 4 Way Test in 1943, and it has since been translated into over 100 languages.


1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Learn it. Live it.

Food for Thought

This posting was partially inspired by Objectionable Content’s

quoting of Sai Baba:

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true? Does it improve on the silence?

(Yes, I’m aware that there’s something sketchy about Sai Baba)

Thou can’st not joke an enemy into a friend, but thou may’st a friend into an enemy.”

— Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac



The new iMac makes a pretty decent hat, too…


Apple’s New Thingy

There’s nothing like press lead-time to spoil an much-hyped product announcement. Here’s the cover of the January 14th edition of Time Canada:

Here’s another picture:

And here’s a snippet:

The new iMac, which Time took for an exclusive test run recently and which will be unveiled at the annual Macworld convention in San Francisco this week, could be just the thing. Like many PCs today, the new iMac is built around a flat-panel display. But instead of taking up precious desk space like a typical flat monitor, the iMac’s screen floats in the air, attached to a jointed, chrome-pipe neck. It’s also rimmed by a “halo,” a translucent plastic frame that makes you want to pull it toward you-or push it out of the way. Jonathan Ive, chief of Apple’s ID lab, says he designed it so that you would want to touch it, want to “violate the sacred plane of the monitor.” The chrome neck is articulated and bends while maintaining the angle of the screen; it connects to the computer, an improbably small hemisphere at 26.4 cm in diameter-somewhat bigger than a halved cantaloupe. The machine bears an uncanny resemblance to Luxo Jr. – the fun-loving, computer-animated swing-arm lamp that starred in a short film by Pixar, the fabled computer-animation studio that Jobs runs. (Pixar creative chief John Lasseter has also made the first new iMac ad.) “It looks a little cheeky,” says Ive. It looks alive.

So there you have it — the iMac, Mark II. Unfortunately, Time doesn’t have any specs for the machine. I suppose we’ll all have to visit Apple’s tomorrow to see what’s inside. But what’s outside is very nice (and yes, in my not-so-humble opinion, while what’s under the hood is important, style does matter), and it looks like it would look very sharp on my desk.