It Happened to Me

New aloha shirt #1

New aloha shirt (of many). Tap to view at full size.

An unexpected benefit of going to the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway was that Emily and Mike Stehle’s vintage aloha shirt shop was there:

Emily and Mike Stehle’s stand at the Tampa Bay Ukulele Getaway. Tap to view at full size.

Aloha shirts — a.k.a. “Hawaiian shirts” — are my sartorial “thing”, and the Stehles have the best selection I’ve seen in a long time. I bought a lot of them, and over the week, I’ll post them here. The photo at the top of this article is the first in the set.

More aloha shirt reading

Save the aloha shirt from the alt-right
The “boogaloo boys” have adopted the aloha shirt as part of their uniform, and that’s a bad thing. To do my part to take it back from them, this article features photos of me in some of my favorite aloha shirts.

Public service announcement: Don’t tuck in your Aloha (a.k.a. “Hawaiian”) shirt
It wasn’t made for that.


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