Tampa Bay

Happy birthday, Brent Britton!

Brent Britton, tech lawyer and friend to the Tampa Bay tech community, celebrated his birthday at the Bulla Gastrobar’s Luna Lounge rooftop bar, and we were there to join him. It was a gorgeous afternoon and evening, we were at one of Tampa’s nicest places to have drinks and tapas, and it was wonderful to see friends in person again (and the open-air venue helped).

One of my missions with the accordion is to make people’s special days a little more special, and I was only too happy to do that for Brent:

(Last year, Brent provided me with an incredibly helpful suggestion for dealing with a notorious copyright troll who was nastygramming me, and it worked. Even in small ways, he’s a big help to Tampa Bay techies.)

Happy birthday, Brent!

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