
A dream that may never be fulfilled: The “Tampa Bay Metro” map

'Tampa Bay Metro': A map of a hypothetical metro system for Tampa Bay, done in the style of New York’s Metro map.

Tap to see the map at full size.

Having moved to Tampa from Toronto, one of the things I miss from the ol’ hometown is a usable transit system. (And no, HART doesn’t count.) While this Metro will likely never exist, it’s still nice to dream.

The system described on the map may not exist, but the map itself does, and in poster form, too. You can order it here.

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3 replies on “A dream that may never be fulfilled: The “Tampa Bay Metro” map”

My understanding is it’s wildly unpopular with the locals, as they believe it will lead to densification / fundamental changes to the character of their neighbourhoods, e.g. by non-Floridians.

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