
One-stop shopping for “The Big Game”

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

While doing grocery shopping at our local Publix earlier today, we noticed something different about the beer aisle. Look at the photo above. Do you see what’s different?

If you didn’t here’s a photo taken a little closer to the shelves:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

And here’s one that’s even closer:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

It looks like Publix is making things very easy for people hosting parties for tonight’s Big Game by strategically putting some snacks that need refrigeration, such as popcorn chicken, sausages, and cheese, right by the beer. I thought it was pretty clever.

There are snacks enough for everyone, whether your tastes tend towards what the “macrobreweries” put out…

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

…or if you prefer microbrewery fare. Tampa’s own Cigar City makes some nice beers; I’m pretty fond of their Maduro and Jai Alai:

Photo by Joey deVilla. Tap to view at full size.

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…and finally, why I called it “The Big Game” and not its official name (hint: lawyers):

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