
Hurricane Irma report #4: Checking in while the sun shines

Here’s a selfie from our yard taken yesterday morning:

Joey deVilla poses in his yard with a blue sky in the background, on the morning of Friday, September 8, 2017.

Yesterday morning.

Here’s another from the same place, taken this morning:

Joey deVilla poses in his yard with a blue sky in the background, on the morning of Saturday, September 9, 2017.

Here’s a wider shot of the yard, also taken this morning:

Anitra and Joey’s yard, with a crepe myrtle in the foreground, and a white picket fence and palm trees in the background.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

And finally, here’s the Lowe’s that’s walking distance from our place at around 9:00 this morning. They closed soon after:

A very full Lowe’s with cashier lines running the width of the warehouse store.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

Our status so far: We have plenty of provisions, and we’ve done the last of the work involved with the outside of the house. For the rest of today and tomorrow, it’s all about securing the house from the inside, which includes preparing our Harry Potter-style shelter in the safest room: the closet under the stairs.

As is the tradition with posts in this series, a thematically-appropriate music video:

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