
Florida of the day: Police charge Florida man for eating pancakes in the middle of a major road

If you watched Good Morning America lately, you may have caught them burying the lede in their chyron (a.k.a. “lower third”, the captions superimposed over the lower part of the screen, especially on news channels):

C’mon, Good Morning America, don’t downplay the real story!

Lakeland, Florida is just under an hour east of Tampa and an hour southwest of Orlando. Many people go there — sometimes from pretty far away — just to get a good deal on a new or used car. It might be the cheaper rent, but for some reason, the deals are just better, and it’s worth the drive for the prices. Anitra and I got both of our cars there, and in doing so, saved about $5,000 in the process.

It’s also the home of this guy:

Click the image to see the pancake goodness at full size.

This is Kiaron Thomas, and last Tuesday, he set up a TV tray in the middle of a 6-lane road and had a pancake breakfast for what is presumably a stunt for YouTube:

The cops were called, but Thomas had left by the time they arrived. The video was posted online soon afterward, and with several people tagging it with Thomas’ name, the cops found him and charged him with “placing an obstruction in the roadway and disrupting the free flow of traffic”.

Here’s the report from Lakeland Police Department’s Facebook page (read the comments; some of them are amusing):

The final line of Bay News 9’s report on this story reads as follows:

Police did not say if Thomas finished his breakfast.

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