
I’m looking forward to the return of “normal” here in Florida…

…and when the stories coming out of this great state look more like this:

Screencapture of article from The Independent with the headline 'This woman says she breastfeeds her 36-year-old boyfriend and people really don't know what to think'.

I like how the vaccuum cleaner box in the background really pulls the room together.
Click the photo to read the story in The Independent.

(Remember, this is what passes for “normal” here.)

Take the story above — This woman says she breastfeeds her 36-year-old boyfriend and people really don’t know what to think — with a grain of salt. Most of the outlets running the story are questionable ones at best: The New York Post and notorious Fleet Street rags The Sun and The Daily Heil. But after last week, I’d rather see this kind of Florida story.

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