
Looking for a Black Friday fight? You want to be in one of these states.

fights at black friday sales

C’mon, Florida — we’re slipping! How does the land of Florida Man/Woman not end up in the top ten?

This map comes from Estately, who took two data sets:

  1. The number of Facebook users in each state expressing interest in Black Friday sales, which was likely done by searching for specific words and phrases, and
  2. frequency of aggravated assaults in each state,

and ranked each state in both categories. They then averaged the two rankings and used that average rank to create a list of US states ranked for likelihood of Black Friday brawlin’. Given their loosey-goosey statistics methodology, you should take this list with an appropriately-sized grain of salt, but I’ll bet you still want to know, so here’s the top ten list:

  1. Arkansas
  2. Tennessee
  3. Alabama
  4. Louisiana
  5. Missouri
  6. West Virginia
  7. Oklahoma
  8. Indiana
  9. Kansas
  10. South Carolina

Want to see the full list? Head on over to Estately’s story.

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