
Former hedge-fund douche buys drug company, jacks up their prices from $13.50 to $750 a pill

martin shkreli, douche

Martin Shkreli (pictured above giving the douche salute), hedge fund douche turned pharmaceutical douche, bought the company that makes the standard treatment for toxoplasmosis, a parasitical disease, and raised its price from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill.

Alas, the ethically questionable practice of buying up the companies that make a drug that’s been used for decades and turning their products into “specialty drugs” simply through price gouging is proving to be a profitable business model for a number of douches.

2 replies on “Former hedge-fund douche buys drug company, jacks up their prices from $13.50 to $750 a pill”

[…] Yesterday, I told you about Martin Shkreli, the douchey former hedge-funder turned price-gouging pha… His drug company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, recently bought the rights to Daraprim, a drug that’s been around for over 60 years and is the standard treatment for toxoplasmosis, which affects up to half the world’s population, especially people with HIV or who are otherwise immunocompromised. His company has since changed the price of Daraprim pills, which are said to cost $1 each to manufacture, from $13.50 each to $750, making him Big Pharma’s biggest a-hole, a field in which the competition is pretty serious. […]

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