
Family Christmas card nudity: Just say no, part 2

Hey, I’m a relaxed let-it-all-hang-out sort of guy, but even I have to draw the line at family Christmas card nudity. The baby in this photo agrees with me: why is Daddy posing in diapers?

christmas card nudity 04

Believe it or not, this next photo is the most tastefully restrained one in this series:

christmas card nudity 03

And finally, the piece de resistance, which looks like it was done at the same Sears photo studio as the “Daddy and baby  both in diapers” shot at the start of this article. For safety’s sake, I’ve hidden it behind this link — click if you’re feeling brave.

Have a merry Christmas, everyone…if it’s still possible to do so after seeing these pics!

more family christmas card nudity

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