
That didn’t take long: a painting of Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers in battle with his mace

kevin vickers painting

Click the photo to see this painting of Canadian bad-assery at full size.

And this is just when he’s in line to get a double-double at Tim Hortons and someone cuts in front of him! That’s a +10 Canadian Mace of Parliamentary Smackdown, and Vickers looks like he’s about to roll a natural 20.

Found via Imgur.

3 replies on “That didn’t take long: a painting of Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers in battle with his mace”

I consider that to be in very bad taste. The poor man just shot and killed another human being, and while I know he is proud to have served his country and fellow citizens effectively in a time of dire need, I also know that he’ is not proud to have been forced to end the life of another person. The painting above glorifies the violent Americanized kind of attitude that is one of the biggest problems in western society today. I guarantee you Kevin Vickers would think very poorly of that piece of artwork.

Wow Paul, are canadians so polite that they have to apologize every time they shoot at someone in a war?

Pardon! *RATATATAT* Sorry!

I’m sorry, I didn’t know the whole story before posting my previous comment, I thought he had shot a man in a war. I now know that you actually meant that he probably feels remorse for the poor attempted mass-murderer of unarmed parliament members, making you even more stupid than previously thought.

It’s not idiot american warmongering to think that that the gunman’s life was not even remotely worth the lives of the innocent people he killed and attempted to kill. He saved his fellows, and deserves to be celebrated. You can keep your ideologies with you under the rock you live in outside the real world.

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