
If you can’t solve this simple math problem, you may have a problem with simple math

jerak math problem

Okay, the written-in answer is correct in the practical sense, but if you can’t figure out the mathematically correct answer — that is, the distance and time by which Jerak missed the elevator, you may have a math problem.

One reply on “If you can’t solve this simple math problem, you may have a problem with simple math”

I am terrible at problem solving but I’m good with logic… Which probably is not the answer you were looking for. I’m going to say that he missed it by over a second. Though the door is completely closed in 5 seconds, there’s going to be a couple of second while the door is open that the guy is too big to squeeze through. If my math is correct, which usually isn’t, he will miss it by 1 second 🙂

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