Pink Wonder Woman (Dianne Mowat) and Canadian Goddess (Estelle Havva). Click the photo to see Estelle’s fundraising page.
The YMCA Megathon taking place in the Greater Toronto Area from February 24th through March 1st dares people to take on a one-of-kind fitness challenge while also raising funds to support the YMCA and give more kids, teens, and adults the chance to exercise, stay healthy, play, find work, and have a community “third place”. My friend Estelle Havva, who can easily do more pushups than most people on demand, is taking on the superhero identity of Canadian Goddess, and will compete against Dianne “Pink Wonder Woman” Mowat for the title of Rowing Machine Champion. They’re also competing to see who will be Fundraising Champion, in memory of Erin McBride, a friend and strong supporter of the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign.
These are good people, and it’s a good cause — sponsor them! Go visit Estelle’s fundraising page.
And hey, if you’re in shape, or better still, would like to get into shape, you might want to take on a YMCA Megathon challenge!
3 replies on “Sponsor Estelle in the YMCA Megathon and help city kids, teens, and adults get healthy”
Hey, sponsor Pink Wonder Woman!!! Canadian Goddess has enough $!
Go to community/Pinkwonderwoman
Some people have emailed me and asked me if the photo has been photoshopped to exaggerate both Dianne’s and my muscles – sorry guys those are real muscles, nothing photoshopped here, Dianne and I invite you to join us at the Toronto YMCA downtown on our morning daily workout routines and validate our muscles for yourselves, and please while you are there train with us as we try to increase the number of pull ups we can do. Anyone out there ready to do a pull up competition against The Pink Wonder Woman and The Canadian Goddess, we welcome anyone to the challenge.
CANADIAN GODDESS ASKS YOU to READ THIS VERY IMPORTANT NOTE – If you are an employee from an IRAP client that I represent or former IRAP client that I represent you can not sponsor me, it will be seen as a conflict of interest, so if you know me as your IRAP ITA or former IRAP ITA I ask that you do not sponsor me.
If you know me and we have met and we have no IRAP ITA relationship (present or past) than please go a head and sponsor me, if we have never met and you don’t know me and you think what I am doing is great, please sponsor me. If you think I have great muscles, please sponsor me. Thank you all for your understanding and support.