
“Crack-smoking mayor”, okay, but SMACK-shooting mayor too?


The blacked-out bits of the police report on Toronto’s crack-smoking mayor have been removed, and the news orgs are going nuts digesting the new info as quickly as they can, with publications like Toronto Life posting updates to the story as they do so. The latest goodies as of this writing:

  • There’s supposed to be a recording of an alleged gang member saying he has “so much pictures” of the mayor “doing the hezza”. It turns out that hezza is an Australian slang term for heroin. Clearly I have not been playing enough Grand Theft Auto: Facking Melbourne because I didn’t recognize it. The report says he did some smack (see, there’s a term for heroin I recognize!) hours before a community event he attended.
  • “$5,000 and a car”: This is supposedly what Ford offered to buy the now-infamous, if still unseen, crack video. Let’s see if we can make this a local catchphrase for “this is what I think is a reasonable offer”.
  • Ford may have tried to buy back his stolen phone…with weed. Apparently the people who had the phone in their possession weren’t too worried about Ford calling the cops because, they had photos of him, and I quote, “On the pipe”.

Keep an eye on Toronto Life’s report (and the rest of the internet) as more details unfold.

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