
Marketing Agency CEO Gets a High Klout Score; Puts Out a Press Release [Updated]

The headline reads like an Onion article, but it’s true: Anchor Communications’ CEO got a Klout score of 68 and decided to put out a press release saying “Hey! I’m a social media guru, ’cause I’ve got a great Klout score!”:

tj kirgin gets 68 klout score

Before you know it, he’ll be posting press releases for every little thing:

didn't fall asleep at meeting

5 jaegerbombs

i pooped today

If that’s all it takes to merit a press release, maybe I should put one out too:

joey devilla 68 klout score


The Next Web have discovered the press release and are having their own fun with it.

5 replies on “Marketing Agency CEO Gets a High Klout Score; Puts Out a Press Release [Updated]”

Hilarious. I am getting pretty close to completing Plants vs. Zombies 2 and may issue a press release when that occurs. Contact me if you’re interested in an embargoed advance 😉

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