
Millennials in the Workplace: A Hilarious Video on How to Work with The Worst Generation

damned millennials

They need constant praise. They’re unaware of the existence of time before 10:00 a.m.. They want to be promoted three days after being hired. They duck out of work with alarming Rob Ford-like frequency. And it’s your civic duty to employ them!

updateAfter watching the video, please take a look at this follow-up article: Why Millennials suck (okay, not really).

139 replies on “Millennials in the Workplace: A Hilarious Video on How to Work with The Worst Generation”

But there is no time before 10am. Perhaps there’s a shared fantasy among “corporate” people of such a construct.

Notice that the narrator mentions that the “mysterious dead zone” doesn’t begin until 4am. Apparently corporate-type bureaucrats who waste their time in meetings all day never stay up “late” even though, as most people who actually CREATE THINGS well know, avoiding the nonsense that is the “official workday” is an excellent way to accomplish original work.

Rohan please!
They allready get treated like the gods they aren’t, they are lazy and useless, lack discipline and don’t need a lawyer untill they get fired for all of the above.

It’s about time we tell em the truth.

They SUCK big time in about everything!

War for talent (to be) is over. Let the war for motivated workers begin.

Not motivated during your first month(s)? Bye bye!
I’m not they’re mother!!!

The answer is simple and quite effective when I supervise. If you get the work done when it needs to be done then I don’t care what you do. But if I’m working twice as hard, not taking lunch because you’re too busy worrying about fantasy baseball, then there’s the door. Goodbye.

I can identify with this so strongly. I employ “Millenials.” Everything in this video is true. The worst thing is when they’re screwing up continuously and I have to have “words” with them. All I want to do is say “This is no good. You can’t go on like this, something has to change. What guarantees can you give me that it won’t happen again,” etc. But they immediately freak out and accuse me of “yelling” at them, even though I’m just using my normal speaking voice and am in no way raising it. They don’t seem to understand that “yelling” has a dictionary definition. Anyone who speaks to them in a non-congratulatory tone is “yelling.” It’s at this point that it gets into their head that they’re the victim of an abusive boss, and they quit (but of course expect me to write them a glowing reference). In my 20 years of hiring I have never encountered such a pathetic generation of deluded, namby-pamby, self absorbed babies.

They are the result of an educational philosophy which says “inflate their self esteem at all costs. Tell them they’re great simply by virtue of them having been born. Let them believe that whatever they do, it’s fantastic because THEY did it. Praise their failings. Exaggerate their qualities (or fabricate them if none). Give them a trophy for taking part. ” On top of this, they have been raised in a “diva” culture in which celebrity is everything, and they’re surrounded by trash “reality TV” which makes them think that absolutely anyone can be a celebrity regardless of their lack of talent, skill or achievements.

I constantly have to baby them, and they have no sense of initiative and a complete ignorance of the most basic concepts. Most of them can’t even spell any more. It terrifies me to imagine how their kids are going to turn out. I truly hope that someone intervenes.

It sounds like you folks have a pattern of hiring the wrong people, setting them up for failure, then when you have to have uncomfortable conversations, you blame everyone but yourselves. No wonder you’re angry and frustrated.

I see both sides but have had more difficulty finding good hires these days than ever before. The celebrity comment above and the participation medal comment are both painfully real realities. Coaching a millennial is nearly impossible, it requires the navigation of feelings and empathy that almost dilutes the reason for the discussion beyond its worth.
The biggest challenge is termination, no responsibility is ever taken and no accountability either. It has gone from: “no one gets a free lunch” to “everyone gets a participation medal” I learned the most from my failures – taking them out of the equation has created a huge potential mess here.

It’s cute that “frank” talks about how useless my generation is when “already”, “until”, and “they’re” are all spelled/misused incorrectly.

I’m not defending every Millennial, but I’ve worked since I was sixteen to support myself, and some of us know the value of working hard. When was the last time any of you worked a 24-hour shift? Or even an 18-hour one? Yeah…didn’t think so.

In my experience, it’s not a generational thing. The young workers who are new to the professional workplace–whatever their generation–are usually poor employees, which is mostly down to experience. They haven’t had much yet in the way of real accountability or deadlines that have consequences, they don’t really know how to organize their time yet, and they haven’t had to deal with the “office politics” of handling different personalities and worrying about how things look (e.g. not talking too much, being away from the desk at certain times, etc.) It’s why I’ve never liked hiring people right out of college; you don’t just have to train them in their particular job, you have to train them in HAVING a job PERIOD. I have to admit, though, I was the same way back when I started out. After a couple years of taking lumps for it in the workplace, your Milennials will fall into compliance, just like countless employees did before them. Doesn’t do you any good NOW, but there it is.

I actually refer to them as ” Gen-E” because they are the entitlement generation. Cannot wait for reality to set in….

This is beyond stupid… The Boomers (even Generation X) walked into the best economy this country has ever known.

Least we forget the Millenials were born into 9/11, two wars and the greatest economic decline since the Great Depression, wake up. This is sad.

Tell the kids who had their arms and legs blown of in this ‘War of Terror’ who are saddled with record student debt they’re lazy.

You guys have had it great, you need to recognize it’s a different ballgame with different rules for Millenials, they did exactly what society told them to do in order to succeed. And there will be consequences to such a betrayal.

Whether you agree with the videos suggestion or not. The fact is that this generation is lazy and out of touch with reality when it comes to the work place. If there were no truth to it we wouldn’t be talking about it!

And what does this say about the generation who raised these “lazy” and “out of touch” millennials?

They also love to say words like “fuck” and “pussy” etc in mixed generation meetings. Their total lack of nuance – their smug tackiness (and I don’t mean their tattoos and full frontal boobage) – is unreal. I blush on their behalf. Or I used to. Now I just stare at them with pained mirth.

Gen y is always replying with “we inherited the worst economy” and “sounds like you are hiring the wrong people”, “look who raised us” Just shut the hell up and understand something you little punks…..corporations are caught up to your little mind games gen y and they are done with it!

Sure…there are 80 million of you running around drinking beer, smoking weed and living on government assistance….but one day your utopia of useless day to day activities is going to come crashing down….and oh boy….I can’t wait to see your faces when it does :).

So, until then, have fun criticizing my grammar, making excuses for your continued life failures and blaming everyone else BUT YOURSELVES! Because god forbid, this country was not built on hard work….. 🙂 Let the gen y “anger” begin!!!!

This is stupid because every generation hates the one that follows them. I hate my parent’s generation and I hate people younger than me. Everyone sucks.

Every generation had something great to offer this country. The baby boomers were dreamers turned hard workers. They undoubtedly own their own sucess, but they also had the benefits of a great economy and a country that was growing into its brand new infrastructure and a global economy.

The Millenials are self-centered, sure. But we’ve grown up in a world that does not want us, that despises us and in many ways wants us to fail. They call use self-entitled, narccisstic. But look at any group of people that gets ignored, that gets cast out. We have to be our biggest supporters, because no one else will be. So yes, we are disillusioned, blame Disney channel if you want. We believe we are special…but in many ways we *are* special. We are creative, easily adaptable, open-minded, and highly educated compared to our predecessors. We should be proud of what makes our generation unique and what will make us a powerful force in the future economy.

I think the previous generations of workers entered the workforce at varying highs and lows for the economy, but by and large the last 30 years will probably go down as the high point of the American “empire.” The lowest low of the past 30 years cannot compare to the 2008 crash. I think this is the root of (at least some) of the misunderstanding between Millenials and the previous generations. You can’t possibly understand what it’s like to graduate high school and enter a world where you are no longer competing with just the kids in your town, or even your college. You’re competing with every college student from every country in the entire world for almost every job worth having. There is no doubt in my mind that by and large my generation will be a polarized one…a generation where the best of us soar to new heights of creativity, wealth, power, and productivity…but the worst of us will end up far worse off than our parents.

That being said, I understand how deeply flawed many of my generation is. We grew up with parents that could provide better for us than their parents could for them. Therein lies the bitterness, I believe. My generation had spoiled childhoods, sure, but we will inherit a lackluster economy with more competition than ever before. Boomers had rough childhoods, but their early 20’s and beyond were truly the American dream.

And they have no one to blame but themselves & their peers. They treated their own kids like this and expect something different from their peers kids. Really? Sorry – you wanted to parent differently that your mother & father. Congrats. Look what you accomplished! Enjoy!

Some members of the baby boomer generation really hate on younger office-peons for cultural reasons, but ask yourself the following before slinging more mud:

1) Who fixes your outlook when you have opened too many free offers?
2) Who corrects your MS word formatting when you make everything in RED, BOLD, SIZE 24 FONT FOR A BUSINESS REPORT?
3) Who helped you put all of your contacts on your new Iphone?

Lastly, Tom Brokaw was a punk! Greatest generation, my ass.

You know, all people complaining about “Millennials”: just don’t hire them. You know there are tons of experienced people with skills and a great work ethic out of work out there who need jobs. Have you looked at the unemployment rates lately? Lots of great workers in need of jobs out there.
Ah yes, but they cost more than youngsters being propped up by their parents because they actually need a salary they can support themselves and their families on, and benefits. You get what you pay for.

And, before you blame an entire generation on spoiled middle class white kids, maybe you should revise your hiring process. Last time I checked there were such things are trial periods and in most States you could fire people at will, so you can still do that if your younger hires are not good fits. Hire minorities, test your candidates on site, whatever works.

For the record, I’m much older than so-called Millennials, and I’ve worked with some of them, they’re not all these lazy-ass entitled unskilled caricatures (also for the person above blindly stating that Gen. X. walked into one of the best economy etc. check your facts, please). Yes, there is a (mostly white) visible population of kids who can’t write a memo or an email, who don’t know how to do research or even read something longer than a paragraph, who can’t show up on time to work, who cry if they don’t get praised for meeting a deadline, don’t know how to dress professionally or don’t know how to answer the phone.
And there are the others. Just hire the others.

Im considered a “Millennial” and I don’t have this work ethic at all. It’s all about how you where raised and the examples that where set forth by parents and the generations before us. Perhaps we should look too the baby boomers who got lazy in the grand scheme of things and perpetuated this attitude, after all aren’t they the one’s running our government into the ground? See, what good is pointing the finger. At any rate I didn’t take offense to the video I thought it was pretty accurate to a small majority of those who just don’t get what it means to be in a corporate position, trust me, there are those people and attitudes in every generation.

I know so many “millenials” that have worked
extremely hard to get where they are, maybe that’s
just a coincidence? People focus on the negative
all the time.
That said, the past generation invented
helicopter parenting so as far as the bad eggs, that’s on them.
Maybe some get huffy when you straightened them out but perhaps that’s
a great time to use those decade of experience to help them a bit. It didnt take me
long. Last time I checked, having to straighten someone out, be it an out of line coworker or employee,isn’t pleasant. Age makes no difference.

This escalated quickly.

I have to say the people who curse in our office and in meetings the most are all in their 40s to late 50s. Saying F***, talking trash about other co-workers behind their backs, and constantly using God’s and Jesus’ full name, including middle initial, in vain. When these harsh comments (I’m assuming are coming from older gens) are the ones who say the younger generation is disrespectful.

I’m in a young office where you see all the millennials coming in earlier and staying later than any upper management.

What you really need to do is stop hiring your friend’s other friend’s kids. I don’t understand how after your whole team interviews a new hire that you don’t like the work they do or they aren’t good at the job. Part of your job is to hire good talent, can you not pick up on it? We have no trouble at all hiring millennials and truthfully their creativity has added a lot to our company.

My team is a group of outstanding young professionals who handle millions upon millions in investments with reports of success. And they aren’t some big shot ivy league grads. We have great middle management who keeps a close eye on their work and helps improve them where improvement is needed.

Also, that Jason guy said namby-pamby.

Some quick facts:

I am a Millennial. I am 24 years old. I graduated high school in 2008 when the stock market crashed. I went to college for 5 years, earned two degrees, and worked throughout the entire time. I am paying my own student loans. I got a job using my degree because I fought for and won an internship during which I performed well enough for them to hire me after graduation. After working there for 6 months, they decided I was someone in whom they wanted to invest their time and money; they offered to pay for my graduate schooling.

Likewise, I recently married another millennial who is 25 years old. He went to a technical school, got a job and proceeded to advance within his company to a managerial position. He wakes up every morning at 4:30.

And no, we don’t have children because we don’t have the resources to provide for them. We also aren’t “propped up” by our parents.

See, the problem with stereotypes is that they are rarely accurate. If you believe an entire generation is comprised of nothing but useless, entitled people, then you are an ignorant, ageist, detriment to our society.

This video is offensive to me, personally, because you group me in with people who are nothing like myself or the many others my age who work hard for everything they’ve earned. I understand the video is in jest, but these comments are atrocious.

The vast majority of the posts on this subject so far, whether pro or con, are silly and deluded, and show a total deficit of historical perspective. It does not escape attention that the worst invective comes from people who label themselves “boss.” This is nothing new. When workers were losing index fingers and thumbs, and worse, to machinery in the Lancashire cotton mills, their bosses accused them of being lazy and careless and fired them immediately. This was in the middle of the 19th century.

You either work for someone (some one) else, or you “employ” — yank your profits out of the unpaid labor of — dozens or hundreds or more workers at a time. The perspectives of these two groups are not the same; in fact, they are in eternal warfare and have been since the rise of manufacturing in the 18th century. It has not changed.

To the younger readers and writers on this blog: Get with the 21st century. Read Marx’s Capital. Until you do, you will not understand what is happening to you, or why.

The fundamental social divide is not race, religion, sexual proclivity, or age (“generation”). It is class. Great class struggles are coming.

First, Why do you think millennials are the way they are? Maybe you didn’t do the best job raising a workforce exactly like yours.? Just a thought. No worries though, you did graduate them in to a horrible economy and started them further behind than any generation in American History. But your right, millennials wanting the same job opportunities you had thanks to your parents and perhaps wanting their work to mean something… that’s the problem.

Get a clue!

@EducatedEmployeedAndRadical – Actually we Gen Xers graduated into a recession, too – and what’s worse, we grew up in the ’80s – in Reagan’s fucking America. We know all about lowered expectations – we were the first generation to see the American dream go sour and get blamed for it by the Baby Boomers. Don’t worry, soon enough another generation of suckers will come up behind you and everybody will calm the fuck down and leave you guys alone… that’s how it worked with us… sorry your music sucks, though…

@Millennials are people too – So you’re the other side of the Millennial coin? A grade-grubbing, success-obsessed, corporate yuppie monster? Congratulations – that’s much worse.

Yes, entitled to minimum wage jobs with no pensions and no benefits.
Buying homes at 5x the values
Polluting the environment.
Outsourcing jobs overseas.
Unethical behaviour.
Need I go on?
Yeah, baby boomers, the greatest resource sucking, righteous, censoring, overpaid, complaining generation ever.
Take your Gucci purse and frappa and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

I’m a late stage Boomer (born late 50s/early 60s), and the experiences of people my age are nothing like your classic Boomer. I graduated college into a recession. Hit another recession in the early 90s. And got clobbered by the Crash of 2008. People my age lost jobs, savings and houses, and we don’t have much time to make up what we lost.

Which is just a way of saying that the video was kind of funny, that there are some truths in stereotypes, but by and large, reducing people to generational cliches is pretty silly, and that just about anybody born after 1957 or so has experienced a lot of economic turmoil. In fact most Americans have, excluding a narrow slice who experienced the post-war economic boom.

We really are all in this together.

People, this is a comedy. People are lazy or hard workers regardless of their generation. I know extreme hard working people in their early twenties and old slow people and vica versa. Don’t even jump on this train. =)

I agree with Splicer…unfortunately in the Federal Government there are all too many slackers that play on their phones all day instead of actually doing their jobs but then their friends hired them so it must be in the job description..hmm I missed that memo since i’m the earliest to work and the last to leave and working the whole time. 🙂

ttyl peeps

And this is why America is falling behind ans becoming a second-rate nation: because we have to coddle these spoiled kids with their over inflated sense of entitlement!

I completely agree with “Millenials are people, too.” Perhaps that is because I completely relate to his/her situation…but, then again, most millenials would…

I am also 24 and (for “D Riley” up there) white. I graduated in 2008, went to college for 5 years, and earned 3 degrees. During this time, I was full-time student who also worked 35-40 hours a week at a very demanding job. I am paying for all of my education on my own. I went on a dozen interviews where I came in second to someone in their 40’s who was less educated, but more experienced than I was (yes, I know this for a fact because word travels fast in my line of work). This is logical in some senses, but my generation has always been told that education was the key to our future: You can’t get a good job if you’re not highly educated. However, I quickly learned that my education is nothing compared to experience, which wouldn’t be a problem if I weren’t competing against people with 20+ years of experience on me. Thankfully, when a position finally opened up at the company that I was interning with, I was hired on. I arrive earlier and stay later than others who share my position and still take work home.

My significant other is in the same line of work, but we’re not married because we cannot afford to pay for a wedding. Thus, we do not have children because we are not married.

So, as “Millennials are people, too” previously stated, most stereotypes are based on assumptions, not facts. And if you are NOT a millennial, then you don’t really know the facts of our generation, and you’re just assuming things you have no experience with. Therefore, don’t assume that my age/generation makes me immoral, lazy, dumb, unqualified, self-obsessed, irresponsible, or entitled.

I love the comments more than the video. Some of you are waaaaaay to serious and some of you are jaded as hell. Love it. -GEN X

You constantly showing up late, asking for a ridiculous number of days off, and being offended that I ask you to sometimes stay 15 minutes late at work isn’t about your disillusionment with the work force or about how poor of a job your parents did raising you with a less than stellar work ethic. It’s called you’re a shitty employee and you’re getting fired. Obviously there are lots of incredibly hard-working millenials out there. This is a PARODY.
Ps: And I myself am only 32.

Gen x with millennial perspective here and millennial shot it right

1) most work is busy work. I watch my My 50+ year old co workers die on the vine pushing paper for companies that don’t even hold a memorial.

2) you can work hard, save your money and just like that everything is gone

3) There is more to life than sitting in a cubicle for 30 years and calling it hard work

Every generation thinks the next generation coming up is the “worst” and will drive the country down to it’s knees; and, yet, here we are.
You can’t group people all in one catagory. There will always be really good workers and really bad workers – in every generation! Every generation has it’s bad points – but every generation has it’s good points, too.

I am a ‘Baby Boomer -early one’ and retired. I am of the generation of hard workers who received fair compensation for an honest day’s work but the work ethic was one of staying till the job was done regardless of the hour. And please, I am not tooting my horn. Just stating that this generation had this as ‘our’ work ethic. Each generation has their own. The one thing that I remember late in my employment was a staff meeting held by our supervisor. It had to do with supervising and working with multi-generational employees. It was presented as a box with 4 quarters each one representing a 10 year ‘generation’. It defined the ‘work ethic’ of each generation, the Boomers, the X’s, the Y’s and quite honestly I don’t remember the 4th (my age I guess). At any rate, each group had several distinct descriptions such as how they work, their pay and advancement expectations, their job responsibility expectations, their training expectations, their benefit expectations and their retirement expectations. It was amazing how you could look around the room and say to yourself, that yes he is of that generation and she is of this generation etc. The thing about this was that it covered more that 40 years and you could see that the cycle seemed to repeat itself every 40 years. Yes things changed over the years but circumstances in the world tend to cause the cycle to repeat. My parents were of the great depression era and swore they would never be without again. So they worked hard and saved every penny and taught us to work hard and not waste. We became parents, worked hard in a better economy and didn’t hold as tight to what we made though we tended to stay in one place our whole careers. We lightened up on our kids, tried to teach a good work ethic but were more indulgent with our spending. Our kids have good educations, got good jobs and give their kids more than we ever we able to. Our kids travelled in the world though education groups as well, something we could never afford but are glad their horizons are more open. We bought a house that we planned to sell as part of our retirement. We had money in stocks as part of our retirement. We retired in 2006. It took 4 years to sell our home at 1/3 of its value and after we lost over a third of our retirement portfolio in another ‘depression. Our retirement is OK because we just make it work. It’s just not what we planned. Circumstances make us the workers we are as well as how we were raised and the advantages we had as we grew up and the life style our parents gave us that they hoped was better than theirs. The cycle begins again because hopefully we are coming out of a bad economy and more jobs will be available and the next hires will have seen that the ‘good times’ cannot not be assumed to last forever. Even these workers will change to fit with today’s circumstances. Just my opinion from over the years. My hat off to the supervisors who have to manage these multi-generations as well as the co-workers who have to find a way to work and get the job done whatever that job may be. We all learn from each other every day inside and outside the workplace.

I think this back and forth is mostly a symptom of the cultural malaise in this country. We live in an age of uncertainty about our future prosperity and of our country’s place in the world. It’s only natural that people on both sides blame those that came before or come after them.

Of course, this is no excuse for poor work ethic in any person. If economic prospects are uncertain, it should be an incentive to work even harder to earn your place in society.

Instead of blaming each other we should call a spade a spade: we live in a much more competitive world economy and everyone must increase their skills and work harder, even if it means for less relative pay. My grandfather, who grew up in the depression, was raised dirt poor and had to work on his wedding day. He lost most of the fingers on one hand in a corn shucking machine at the age of 12. But instead of blaming others for being dealt a bad hand, he worked hard and became a self made man. He was personally devastated that he couldn’t serve in the war because of his injury. For him, being a victim just wasn’t an option.

We could learn a lot from that generation about facing adversity rather than succumbing to or complaining about it.

There was a recent Fox Business segment discussing (arguing) this exact topic. Basically, it’s funny and clearly popular to criticize a generation that you don’t understand, but after the laughs it speaks more about your generations’ inability to adapt rather than our own faults:

Companies need to adapt to a changing workforce instead of just complaining about it. Companies that provide alternate working solutions, such as flexible work hours, occasional days working at home, and fun working atmospheres will have much happier employees. We have tattoos and piercings and we listen to music while we work. We don’t serve a boss or corporation unless they also serve us. We probably get the work done 10x as quickly too (at least that is the experience I have in my corporate consulting job). Baby boomers out, millennials in. Deal with it or go out of business as your aging workforce retires and no one wants to work for you.

I work with and have worked with a lot of Millennials (I’m late 40s, an early Gen Xer) and rarely do I see the degree of laziness and self absorption that are described in these articles and videos. Yes, I’ve seen it but it’s the exception. Most of the ‘kids’ have been just as hard working as any of my more seasoned coworkers. In fact I’ve gotten pissed at how poorly many of them are paid for doing certain jobs, and jobs they’ve done very well. No, they aren’t entitled to 6 figures right from the start but on the other hand they shouldn’t be expected to earn crap pay JUST because they’re right out of college. And I’m talking minimum wage for managing complex accounts (no, not just flipping burgers). Some of them are being taken advantage of and no, that shouldn’t be considered o.k. just because of their age.

It also pisses me off when the generation that raised the millennials bitch and moan about them but don’t acknowledge that what they’re really saying is that they themselves have failed, as parents and as the adults who ran the world the millennials grew up in.

But with all that said – all people, regardless of age, need to realize that once they are adults they need to deal with the fact that life will not always be wine and roses, and to suck it up if they don’t get everything they want and how and when they want it.

I left the first comment on this post, a joking one as I didn’t realize there would be so much seriousness to come. So let me add my serious comment.

I’m a mid-Boomer, but the cohort I identify with most closely and spend the most time with is the Millennials. I work in the the tech startup world and not one person I’ve ever run into fits the stereotype. Every generation has its movers and shakers and its not-so-much. In the past, movers and shakers went into corporate jobs, myself included. Today, the Millennial movers and shakers I know reject that world (as I do now), instead creating new businesses or working freelance, leaving the not-so-ambitious to take the soul-destroying corporate jobs shown in the video. Of course there are still ambitious Millennials in the corporate world, but fewer than in previous generations – and as far as I’m concerned they may be ambitious but the best of their generation are elsewhere.

Word up, my Millennial friends!

Don’t work for these antiquated geezers, anymore. Work for yourself.
– Since you know you are super awesome, you can create your own “Market Research Database” using all the open source database tools and free online tutorials (which many the super awesome Millennial dudes and dudettes helped create, although some of the hipper dinosaurs contributed, too).
– When you work for yourself, you never have to wake up before 10am again! With your home WiFi network, you’d be more productive since you won’t have to commute for 4 hours a day like those old folks do.
– Don’t buy in to their titles and labels. Be your own Chief Executive Goddess of Digital Information Agility => since you only have to pay yourself, you can make that database for way cheaper and undercut the heck out of the wrinklefaces and baldheads.
– And since your super awesome and super smart with your mobile smartphone future tech gear, you can create WHILE on your Argentinian Surfing Spirit Quest! Who needs an office?

So don’t do it their way. DIY! Why DIY? Because you are super awesome, and you know it.


Hey, guess what? Not only are they the entitled generation, but they also can’t take a joke!

Look folks, EVERY generation gets ridiculed and now it’s your turn. As a group (and that means that not all of you are like this, okay?) you have some quirks … so did every other generation. There’s a reason people laugh at this. It’s because they’ve seen this behaviour and now someone else is letting them know that others have seen it too.

So, the millennials will one day be making fun of whatever stupid generalization comes next, and you’ll be laughing your asses off while they defend themselves. Blah blah blah. As the saying goes “stop taking yourself so seriously, nobody else does”.

And as for calling people old … if you’re in the workforce, you’re already one of us … you just don’t know it yet. My kids think that you’re ancient. At least we know that we’re old. Being old and pretending that you’re still young is what is really pathetic.

Your generation is a generation of complaining people, you were comlaining about your parents because the were not with you and now that you are adults comain about the generations that are not like yours. You screwed working hours and took any respect for people out of the working routine.
And wait? were you that good when you started?
If only all these dinosaurs would go home it would be a much better world. But you are too greedy, attached to your chairs and totally pathetic.

First of all, let’s deal with the issue of stereotypes. A stereotype is not MEANT to encompass everyone in the particular group about which it is speaking. It is merely meant to draw broad brushstrokes of information regarding characteristics of that particular group. So not only will not everyone not fit the stereotype; NO ONE will fit the stereotype.

Now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to offer my own perspective on this situation. Since placing oneself on a “side” of the fence seems to be necessary in this argument, I’ll briefly state my bio: I’m 33, and an adjunct professor of English at both a local community college and also its big sister – a highly-prestigious four-year research-university. I haven’t had an easy time of it – I’m still working on my PhD, and it’ll be several years before I complete it – and I have worked in both academia and “the real world” for many years (I got my first job at 16, and have been self-supporting since 18). I’ve been a manager, and I’ve also been an employee (and you, sir, Mr. Marxist – for pity’s sake, yours is not a new, nor is it an enlightened viewpoint). My parents were loving, supportive, “you’re-a-special-snowflake” parents who didn’t teach me much about work ethic, and definitely subscribed to the view that participation trophies were important. I’ve struggled with my lack of work ethic my entire life – one reason it’s taken me so long to get where I am – but I’m not blaming my parents. They raised me the best way they knew how, and they wanted me to have a better life, and think better of myself, than they did.

Now that I’ve established where I sit (or don’t, I suppose), my perspective: I teach a range of students, from still-in-high-school-17 to learning-new-skills-to-get-a-new-job-because-I-lost-everything-in-2008-55. I teach students with widely-varying skill sets, and widely-varying backgrounds – rich, poor, helicopter-parents, no-parents-because-drugs – I have them all in my Intro to Comp classes. Now, bearing in mind the comments I made about brushstrokes and stereotypes above, I will say this: the students I teach in the younger range of the demographic have many things in common, and none of them good. They are in school because they “have” to be there, not because they have any real desire for knowledge or education; they have a work ethic that leads many of them to fail my classes, for sheer lack of effort; they get upset when they don’t get the “A” to which they believe they were entitled (I have had actual conversations with actual students who said, “You should give me an A because I’m smart!”); they don’t understand that they are not special snowflakes, and that there are millions – MILLIONS – of other individuals who are as smart, talented, skilled, and creative as they are; they believe that because they are getting an “education” (and I use this term loosely), they deserve a job; they don’t start projects until the last minute (in fact, right now I have seven students – out of 24 – who have JUST emailed me to get approval for a topic for their research paper, the rough draft of which is due tomorrow, and is the final 25% of their semester grade); and through it all – and this is the most contemptible part – they continue to hold OTHER PEOPLE responsible for their failures. “My parents didn’t teach me this,” “My school told me to do this,” “The economy is terrible because of the Baby Boomers,” “We don’t have the same chances as everyone else.”

My parents went through bankruptcy when I was 12, in 1992, when all the military bases were closed down in California, sending the state into a repression. They worked hard, and built their businesses back up, only to watch them shut down again in 2008. They are in their 60s, and are wondering what they’ll do when it comes time for my mother’s forced retirement (at 65), as she is the primary breadwinner. Their socioeconomic status is no better than many new and young employees, and they have much less time to fix it.

I suppose my questions to all those bitchy younger generations are these: instead of complaining about it, why don’t you do something to fix it? Instead of sitting around, whining because no one recognizes what a special snowflake you are, why don’t you force them to recognize it? Instead of waiting for salaries to get better, why don’t you go prove you’re worth the higher salaries, and then do what I’ve done six times in the past – go into your boss’s office, point out everything you’ve done that is BEYOND expectations, and then ask for a raise? If you don’t like the society or the economy in which you find yourself, change it. If you don’t like what you’re doing, change it. Instead of blaming others, instead of waiting for things to get better, because the “Deserving Fairy” will come down and make them better, shut up and get to work.

And, seriously, if one of you points out that “you aren’t like that, because you’ve been doing it on your own since you were a wee lad, and you don’t want to be lumped in with all the others,” I refer you to my comments about stereotypes and brushstrokes. But if anyone has the temerity to say, “We didn’t create the mess, so why should we fix it?”, then get off the planet. Your type of insipid, flabby, uselessness is not wanted here.


haha, this is awfully funny. but none of these situations would warrant any praise! they would likely get fired (perhaps from several different jobs) before finally figuring out how to be a normal employee.
trial and error, right?

“I’d like to offer my own perspective on this situation – ”


ha ha, so this was meant to be funny, it’s supposed to be a jab in the ribs of the millenials. That’s all. Think of it this way – every year in high school, there’s always group of newbie dorks that gets picked on – freshmen. And it’s the same pretty much every year, and it’s been happening for decades, perhaps centuries. And it probably always will. The same has been happening with inter-generational bashing every since someone thought it was good press to write a story about a particular generation, lambasting some of their lesser than stellar qualities. Every generation is at some point, going to be the whipping post for older generations. It was done to the baby boomers (who were the original hippies, and remember all the shit they got), then it was Gen X growing up in the 90s, and now it’s Gen Y, aka the Millenials. So don’t worry Gen Y, you’ll get your turn to poke fun at the next generation too, it’s the natural cycle of things. Oh, and take a chill pill, a deep breath, and let it go. Don’t worry, be happy, you’ll be in control one day, I promise.

I’m surrounded by them and they’re (on the whole, mind you) positively insufferable. THANK YOU FOR THIS.

Lol@ Millennials getting their panties in a bunch because someone made fun of them.



Haha. Okay, don’t ask me for any more computer help. Can’t wait till you get fired because you can’t figure out how to format the slides on your power point presentation (again), or how to make changes and save the excel file I sent you in ‘Read-only’ mode (again).

@ ale,

I have a complaint. Your spelling and grammar stink! This only supports a foundation for the stereotype. Perhaps another associates degree from a better community college is in order?


(22 years old)

I’m 27, a Millenial. And save for a select (and I mean very select) few, this is sadly entirely right. Especially when it comes to the younger Millenials born in the mid 90’s. I absolutely despise my generation and its because of so many bad eggs in our bunch that we can’t have nice things dammit! lol. But yes, there you go. Confirmation from a disgruntled Millenial, we do indeed suck a fat load. 🙁

Thank you Kate for your thoughtful comments. I wonder how many employees Scott has? I am guessing very few. Stereotype – yes. If you don’t like that, than be the exception. We all deal with stereotypes. In this case all you will have to do is be punctual and do your job. That’s not so bad. Be the change – employers across America will be thrilled.

@Bridget, thanks. 🙂

And for everyone else pointing out this was comedy – no sh*t. But it doesn’t change the fact that this is a pervasive issue (comedy has always pushed the boundaries of uncomfortable truths, listen to what John Cleese says about comedy), and one that is actually problematic for many, many individuals.

So, yeah, I know it’s comedy. But why shouldn’t that launch us into a serious conversation about what is being satirized? Are you afraid of intelligent discussion? Does comedy mean it’s not worth discussing? Perhaps you just don’t have anything valuable to add to the conversation, so you do what people in that situation always do – mock those who are looking at the situations that fed into the comedy, and try to address them.

I’d say you’re the idiot here, Scott.

I’m a 45 year-old business owner, employing people in their 50’s and people in their 20’s. Generation is like gender, ethnicity, or anything else, in the sense that there’s more variety _within_ each group than there is between groups. Every idiotic “kids these days” rant is recycled from decades before.

As hiring manager for small firm of GenX-ers 15 yrs ago, I observed they had similarly bad work habits and levels of immaturity at that age. Happens to most generations except the “Greatest” who went to war and won the future, my elders.
We went thru 6 kids at the front desk in 2 years: none could take a paper message properly b/c they grew up with voicemail nor knew how to greet an office visitor properly or politely. Even now when I call some offices they just put me thru to VM or ask if I want to email the person…why would I have chosen to call unless I didn’t have their eAddress? Fast fwd to the next Gen, the cycle repeats. Yes, I had a kid sass me for wanting him to help me put a presentation into the latest format; just as with the Gen X-er I challenged him to land the $100k client or account without me…the one that brings in the bacon that pays his salary and mine? The Gen X er got the point; the Millennial doesn’t realize his brains alone won’t land the new biz without the ingredients I bring to the table….even if the business owner is closer to his age than mine. I got where I am by mastering all the petty tasks leading up to the major decisions. It doesn’t make me a dinosaur to shed the low-return tasks so he can have a job and focus my attention on higher order things. Then I pointed out to him that I started programming in Basic in the late 70s and won a major computer award in the 80s, so that I actually knew more aps and languages than he does–and someday his current knowledge would be obsolete.
I now have more respect for my 85-ur-old mother who just got tired of learning new TV remote features and left her VCR clock blinking and presets to watch videos in old formats instead of upgrading from DVD to Blue Ray. At some point, you ask “what really makes my life better” and focus on meaningful things in life–like a good laughter from really pointed humor!

If the previous generation (the 80s gen) didn’t so royally f**k up the economy so that us millenials, who do all the right things (i.e., do well in high school, go to college, perhaps even post-grad), could actually find a job that pays the $150,000 in student loans we’ve had to take out, because the previous generation has consistently underfunded public university education and enabled excessive tuition hikes, and more than Top Ramen for dinner, perhaps we’d be more excited to work these dead end, underpaying, cubicle-death jobs. Just a thought.

Oh, and can people please cut out the praise for the so-called “greatest generation”. There hasn’t been a generation since that hasn’t faced war, and to call those who fought in World War II the “greatest generation” because of that fact simply de-legitimizes the sacrifices of those who fought and died in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Further, there was nothing great about them. Prosperity was available only to a select few white families, racism and misogynism were rampant, gays were murdered in the streets–this whole concept of the “great generation” and this constant mythical nostalgia of “the way things were” completely neglects the unendurable social stratification, which is what ultimately lead to the social revolution of the 60s.

I see this with my generation, the one that has just slid in after me AND the one before me. We are all brought up to believe that we are “special”. That hard work is for those other guys because our parents, with complete certainty, assured us that we are armed with great genius and tremendous talent.

When, exception being rare cases, it’s just not true. Yes, fine, I’ll pander to your fragile self esteem for a moment, everybody is special. Because we were told to insist upon our wonderfulness. So that idea of “special” represents the status quo. You are mediocre unless you are a genius and believe me, if you’re a genius, it is recognized and dealt with. It’s not this thing that you know that nobody else can figure out because they’re too “stupid” to “understand you”. If nobody recognizes your genius, the genius, and not the opinions of everybody around you, is the delusion.

You wonder why our generations can’t get our shit together? This assertion from birth that we are “special” and “different” from everybody else being told they are also “special” and “different” is the problem.

Sheer, unapologetic, and totally undeserved ego. That’s really all it is. Nothing is our fault. Everything is too hard. Our self esteem hurts. That’s not fair! You’re not supporting the actualization of my feeling-matrix. Whatever.. it’s all the same BS.

@ Mike:

I’ve been using computers since I taught myself, way back in the days of DOS. You know… before Windows? Before you were born? I did it because I needed to use it for work. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

I’ll format my own PowerPoint slides, thank you very much. Besides, if I let you edit them, you’d misspell words and use text speak instead of proper English.

Gen X’er with both a work ethic and a sense of humor


this is too funny and dead on.

I especially like all the comments from 20 somethings who think us “dinosaurs” don’t know how computers work.

Hey there kiddo… our PARENTS invented computers and we grew up with them too.

Your ability to use technology that was invented and delivered to you by US isn’t really all that impressive.

I’m a millennial and I think it’s funny! I know plenty of my friends and former classmates who this actually fits really well! Just enjoy it and laugh people! 🙂


first… since this about generations I should point you to a well written book about american generations and how they are different from one another:

Secondly… lets discuss whats up with you non-genY people.

Boomers: YOU, my friends, are the most entitled, self-centered generation in recent american history. You were born in the utopian wonderland of post-war economic boom. No other generation in history was granted such wealth and potential as you. Yet, in your later adult years you are perplexed as to WHY the country is a such a shit-hole….why things aren’t like they were when you were kids. Guess what, its because you guys did nothing to continue the progressive agenda of your GI generation parents… your political absence (while you’re off chasing your jobs or your evangelical bible-group meetings) has allowed the powers at be to destroy the middle class. And you think it has something to do with other people’s values/morals…. sheesh.

Xers: you are the generation of complainers. You hate those self-righteous boomers/hippies and you hate the self-absorbed Yers/hipsters …. what exactly have you contributed other than shitty seattle alt rock? Ohhh, thats right… your generation comprises the majority of elected tea-party officials. And what are they good at? COMPLAINING.

Gen Y is young and maybe self absorbed and possibly bad employees. But, for myself being a older gen-yer (born 1980) and employed in NYC… I see alot of my younger generational cohorts having to sign up for unpaid internships or shitty $7 an hour freelance gigs in hopes to make a future in this vapid post-Reaganomics world. The system has failed and, if you read what Strauss and Howe posited in the 90s, the Y generation (like the GI generation before) are here to actually rebuild. We are the ones that are emboldened by our civic duties….

you all are one dimensional

Yes…funny how baby boomers seem to forget that they are the ones who raised us! Of course this is a silly generalization – I’m a millenial, and I work with many millenials who are some of the smartest and hardest working people I know (we have to be to stay competitive and employable in this job market).

In all seriousness, workplaces do need to realize that times are changing and you get much more from employees when employers are flexible and offer incentives for successes. It’s a different world and work environments need to stay on top of it to ensure they retain the best talent they can.

As a 30 year old I thought the video was hilarious. There is always truth to comedy and who hasn’t witnessed these situations. What’s not funny are the commenters on here who honestly think we are all like this all the time. You seriously can’t think of one good employee under 35? When everyone else is the problem, you’re the problem.

“They SUCK big time in about everything!
War for talent (to be) is over. Let the war for motivated workers begin.”

“…the Millennial doesn’t realize his brains alone won’t land the new biz without the ingredients I bring to the table… ”

“I’m surrounded by them and they’re (on the whole, mind you) positively insufferable. THANK YOU FOR THIS.”

“I can identify with this so strongly. I employ “Millenials.” Everything in this video is true. ”

“Coaching a millennial is nearly impossible, it requires the navigation of feelings and empathy that almost dilutes the reason for the discussion beyond its worth. The biggest challenge is termination, no responsibility is ever taken and no accountability either.”

“I actually refer to them as ” Gen-E” because they are the entitlement generation. Cannot wait for reality to set in…”

“Sure…there are 80 million of you running around drinking beer, smoking weed and living on government assistance….but one day your utopia of useless day to day activities is going to come crashing down….and oh boy….I can’t wait to see your faces when it does”

Hello All,

I am a “millenial” and I thought the video was hilarious.

Just some facts…I am 33, with a master’s, I am paying about 33K in student loans, I have 2 kids, one with special needs, have been married for 10 years, and currently work for a Fortune 500 company in Web Marketing. I also do freelance writing and teach English classes for a local college. Sure, I have some millenial qualities…I’d like flex hours and would love to start work at 9:30 because of my young sons; I also like praise so I know if I am doing a good job or need improvement. But I am grateful for my job and that I can provide for my family. My parents taught me you will have nothing in life without hard work. If you want nice things, then go out and work for it. You want a new car? work. You want to go on vacation? Work. I watched my dad bust his ass so my sister and I could go to college. A part of my job deals with training new employees and guess what? The majority of them are over age 50! So, a 33 year old “whiny millennial” is training a 50+ age employee on how to use technology. One of my trainees did not know how to use find/replace on MS Word.

So, I’d have to say if you do not want “whiny millenials” in the work place, don’t hire them. Sharpen those interview skills. Hire people who are dedicated, who want to work hard, and want to be successful. They are out there.
I work with about 5 of them.

I’m 24 and I found this absolutely hilarious. I’m the youngest person in my office. I do find myself helping my co-workers with things like Gmail, iTunes, and sometimes they even ask me to search for their long lost friends on Facebook. We millennials have our place!

My partner is a career counselor at a private university in Atlanta and I have managed several under and post grad interns through my position in marketing (all paid, by the way, for substantially more than $7/hr as one previous poster complained about). Both of us are in our early 40s and have a lot of interaction with Millennials.

One on hand, I thought this video was funny as satire – much the same way a parody commercial on SNL is (or at one time was) funny. On the other hand, it is a gross generalization. In my (and my partner’s) experience, there are kids (and, yes, I am old enough to be allowed to call you kids) out there like this. But, on the whole, there are a vast number of highly talented, creative, motivated and extremely energetic minds out there who are willing to put in the effort. Who are questioning everything internally and externally as they try to engage in the workforce. Who send us emails for guidance and projects before we are up in the morning. It’s all about the person, not the age. Any employer who thinks this is across-the-board true doesn’t know how to vet prospectives before hiring.

Bottom line: I took my share of hits when I started out. Everyone will. it’s your initiation to the real world. Take it all with a grain of salt and forge on. Your sleepless nights didn’t end at graduation.

P.S. I’m 40 and have to reformat PPTs and help with XLS files and train unwilling people on tech all the time. You don’t corner the market on tech-savvy and that battle will never end.

I wish I could say something in support of my generation, but that would be a lie. The fact is, my generation doesn’t bother to put in the work and expects to get rewarded anyway. Most of us expect the government or someone else to solve all of our problems and are shocked when it doesn’t work out on its own. Unfortunately, the millenials have earned every barb thrown our way.

thanks again internet (and most specifically facebook) for showing me something else reminding me that people are awful. it hadn’t seen anything satirical addressing privilege or prejudice in almost a whole half minute.

“Your type of insipid, flabby, uselessness is not wanted here. ”

he he he

I am not a millennial, but I myself was totally unaware of time before 10 am!! he he ha ha I am more of a night person and as soon as my kids get a bit older I will thankfully take my night job back!

Kate’s comments are wonderful.

J. Stephenson, public university education is not underfunded. You are the one benefiting from your education (or should be; assuming you are majoring in anything useful or marketable); you pay for it. Your understanding of the “greatest generation” is also lacking. Even if the worn-out race analysis you applied was anything more than clap trap, it would hardly be the fault of the greatest generation that the world they were born into had race divisions.

Jami, LOL.

Ryan, “Bible” is capitalized.

Hardworking Millenials: We oldsters do know many of you are out there. We’re the ones promoting you. 🙂


I stopped reading any comments after hers. She wins the internet. At least for today.

Take a pill everyone, it’s parody. It’s based on real experiences, that’s why it resonates with so many people. But no one is saying every Millenial is like this.

I do see some serious issues with millenials though. They are so used to texting and e-mail that they are not strong at face to face communications. Some business issues require picking up the phone or speaking face to face.
They also tune out of meetings because they are preoccupied with their iPhones.

Growing up constantly attached to their parents by cell phone means they didn’t learn problem solving skills. When I grew up, Mommy wasn’t a phone call away 24/7. There were times when you needed to figure things out on your own.

As for dress, I see some serious issues there too. You can’t walk around with your pants falling down and expect to be taken seriously.

Wow….not only was that not funny, it actually reinforces the image of the Millennials as a bunch of clueless whiners….

Anybody else think this video is def not original and certainly not funny?

Not because of poking a little fun on Yers, but just because its stupid.

In fact this video sucks so bad that it was probably made by Millenials.

I’m a millennial (26) recently promoted to manage a team that includes millennials and I can tell you this is spot in. Especially first segment (texting during meetings/not following clear basic directions and taking feedback personally), part about promotions and part about days off.

What makes this so sad is that even the comments are creepy. This generation is disrespectful and “special”. What is even worse they are raising children. Whose fault is it? Their parents. Not everything is a “good job”. No one is that “special”. The insults in the comments to the older generations just reinforce any stereotypes.

Satire is great but calling millennials the “worst generation” is pretty rich…considering the leaders the Boomers have celebrated on Wall Street and voted into Congress who have combined efforts to mortgaged their futures over and over again. Plus, quite a few lost their legs and even lives overseas to make up for the fact that Boomers couldn’t figure out how to stop guys with boxcutters from crippling our homeland defenses on 9/11.

I only watched the first scene, but several millennials work in my workplace and none are like this. I work for an association that is demanding (in terms of asking for intelligence and work ethic) but hires well and treats its employees really well – most people really like to work here. The millennials are for the most part terrific people and employees, and behave professionally. I don’t think generations are as different as some people believe.

I hate stuff like this. It just makes it hard for those of us who are hard working millennials. I don’t care if the generation before was picked on or the one before that. At some point one has to admit picking on any generation doensn’t get us anywhere. I work with/know a ton of millennials and again, we do not all do this. I wish there had been some sort of counter video to show those that are the very opposite. Working long hours, making only a fraction of what others make even after being in a company for 5+years. Many millennials have a ton of student loan debt yet get up early and make it to the office (barely able to afford food/fuel) do the work assigned (plus some) and other productive things on the side. We add value to companies with knowledge on technology and new ways to do things faster. No one wants to look at that…they focuse on a percentage of underachievers and deem us all as the worst generation. Thanks a lot! 4years of University + extra education for what? To get called the worst… must be kidding me. Ridiculous and RUDE! No wonder the “generation gap” exists. Too busy hating on us. Get over yourselves and learn to get along with everyone…and not using the silly suggestions in this “comedy.” Wasn’t funny at all.

Just in case you missed English class, Jim McBride, “satire is great but” means that satire is not great. Best of luck in the future.

There’s nothing new under the sun. That’s what the Bible says, and I think it applies to this issue; it’s not like there’s NEW human flaws to deal with. Humans have always had to deal with the root of their problems, which is selfishness (in whichever of it’s many forms it presents itself). Different circumstances bring out different problems in us, but they’re still there in us, ALL of them (good or bad), they just haven’t had a chance to present themselves.

Each generation is equally bad in it’s own way, and good in it’s own way. We simple face different circumstances and were raised in a different world, but have the same root issue.

We are a product of our generation, but we ALL build of experiences. (and in some cases, we allow God to have His way in us (which is the ONLY way to perfection as a people).

It’s not like one set of people are born suckier, then the previous set. We all suck 🙂

Now you millenials understand how Gen X felt when we were ridiculed. Don’t worry, it gets better.

I just love that you “young pups” are already getting shit on. Just wait until your kids figure out how easy it is to actually be successful if you just work hard and quit complaining. Yes, we were that good when we started, yes, we can work with computers, we actually know how to form personal relationships with people, in person, and we can be relied on. Good luck, I do love hiring your generation because the good ones stand out like sore thumbs, and the bad ones make for great beer conversations. The shit you guys say in interviews is classic. And it’s not “a lack of experience”. It’s a lack of common sense.

You suck, worst generation ever, and I can’t wait to see all the humor that comes out of it.

LOL this video was hilarious, sadly I can relate to alot of these situations as a manager, I’ve been a manager since I was 26 (now 30) and I can honestly say I’ve seen these type of employees, haha but I’ve also seen non milennials suck just as bad! I think it’s how people are raised, if you don’t teach your kids to take accountability for their actions, they won’t take accountability for their work at their job.
I once was told by a young employee that was chronically late, never finished her job on time even with extra time given, and refused to try other ways to complete it that the only reason I am putting her on a performance plan was because I was jealous of her that she got married! LOL wow, nice way to take responsibility for the fact that you can’t do your job!! And so many more stories like this in management.


I just want to point out that my generation went to war too. In fact, many in my generation have spent their entire adult lives in continuous war. But hey…BASIC am I right?

Here is what is funny…..
Every generation complains about the ones that come after them. They complain how easy they have it, how their work ethic sucks, and how the world has gone to hell……

It is really amusing that ANY of you think you made a new discovery. This has been happening since the beginning of time. My advice is to look at yourself and get yourself together. Work hard, contribute to your community, be kind to others, stick up for those who are bullied, and take care of the earth. Start thinking of others and being a better human being, not how impressive you are because of your job title or the car you drive. In an accident, dead is dead.

Adam to Eve, sometime after creation:
“Cane and Able are worthless lazy bums!”

Middle aged Neaderthals sitting around a fire, 30,000 years ago:
“Grunt, ugga buggga mugga, hugga!!”
(translation: Kids today so useless! Can’t even skin Smilodon!”

I can’t believe idiots still fall for this tired shtick. Go fuck yourselves, Generation X, you flannel shirted fuckfaces. Oh, and Dazed and Confused SUCKS.

Hey, Sam — why don’t you come to MY workplace and see how we boomers can save your immature, uneducated ass after you get mangled in a six-car pile-up because you were texting behind the wheel? Be safe, child.

Good piece of comedy AND I agree with Andrew’s comment above: “What’s not funny are the commenters on here who honestly think we are all like this all the time.”

I’m 48 (Gen X) and work with millenials. I CHOOSE to work with them. I think they rock. They’re creative, industrious, fun, inspiring, positive – their role on the planet is one of change agents. Because “we’re going to do it in this generation, we HAVE to do it in this generation.” Don’t fight them, engage them.

It’s not all true but’s still a cute video. We have millennials interning for us. Some are outstanding and immediately get jobs. But my heart, I’m sorry to say, goes out to the droopy 21 years old who can’t possibly get their shit together, but are so adorable as they fumble through the work day, ever with an eye on the clock. Some of them will truly get it together. The others will just take longer to reach adulthood, and while they’re not much good in the office, they are awfully entertaining. I smile each time I see them.

I used to interview a lot of people for jobs as therapists. You would think that they might be more insightful and generous of spirit than the average job seeker, but no. I often found people who thought their intentions were the same as their productions. I used to say that if I could find a way to suss out people with entitlement feelings, I could make a million dollars. It is entitlement, not age, race, gender, national origin, religious beliefs, or amount or institution of learning (given that everyone I interviewed met minimum standards) that counts. I made some terrible mistakes, and I hired some wonderful people. I tried hard to figure out questions that would reveal entitlement, but the truly entitled feel entitled to lie, so it never worked very well.

There are idiots and immature, self-centered assholes in every generation. Give this batch 10-15 more years and some will learn that they are not that important in the scheme of things. For example: look up at the rest of the universe. Are we not miniscule particles? Are our opinions and experiences that fucking impressive? We all need to learn to contribute to the good of the whole, thereby growing closer to Our Creator.

This is just some HR humor, as a recruiter, I see this everyday in some form or the other. As mentioned above, it does not apply to all, I know some impressive kick ass mils and some not so much, as such with EVERY Generation. Smile and move on.

[…] Back in June, I posted a video to this blog: Millennials in the Workplace. For some reason, it’s become incredibly popular over the past couple of days, netting over 100,000 pageviews a day and earning me some serious AdSense money. From the bottom of my wallet, I thank you. […]

I don’t think it’s true that every generation thinks that the preceding generation has it too easy. That idea began in the 20th century, but you don’t see it before then if you actually read a book. Back then multiple generations lived under the same roof and the opinions of the grandparents has as much weight as those of the culture. I think this current notion began with the boomers. Their parents, who we dub, “the greatest generation” lived very hard young lives in the depression, fought in a major war that we can’t comprehend, and then landed us on the moon. Their kids, the boomers, really did suck compared to them. I’m am one of the last of the Gen-X generation and I am a product of being brought up by boomers. I wish I had the tenacity of my grandparents.

I think any crop of 20-25 year olds are going to have a large cohort of people who weren’t born knowing how to work in an office.

I’m 23, I manage a group of people ranging from 18 to 40+ All people have their redeeming qualities, and endearing qualities (to put it nicely)
20somethings aren’t the only people pulling this crap. Trust me, my hair gets more grey by the day because of it. Any gen x who thinks lowly of my generation remember, you raised us this way. A coin has two sides. Though I don’t conceed we are all this way, a lot of us are, and so are our parents. How else would this have been tolerated to go on?
From what I see, this whole issue is due to the apex of the age of entitlement. Expressed daily by people of all ages, and frustrating people of all ages. Instead of taking society’s frustration out on one generation, who don’t we be proactive in changing our society’s outlook and gumption?

You think Millennials are lazy? Just think what will happen when they breed? Our only hope is that having sex will be too much work for them to do.

This is surprisingly accrate. In an environment where **I’m** lucky to even have a job, I supervise people who get passive-aggressive when I need them to take off their headphones to talk to them, much less give them some work that I **specifically** assign them that will expand their preofessional skills.

I’m not a Millennial, but this video was painful to watch. It’s not funny, just mean.

Seriously, someone saying noodle instead of nine is your idea of a comedic way to illustrate that a whole generation doesn’t like mornings?

This video is so bad that I’m seriously considering this video may actually be making fun of people who make gross generalizations about a whole generation. If so, well played troll. Well played.

Jason, we boomers also fought a terrible war. Can you comprehend a draft? Let me explain it to you. By random lottery you are taken right out of high school and sent to the jungles of Vietnam. Anybody know why? Can you comprehend losing 60,000 men and women in a war no one knows why we’re fighting? Comprehend young black men being sent to war but not able to vote. Comprehend the national guard walking onto a collage campus and shooting down students. Well I here to tell ya that the greatest generation was not so great. They were narrow minded , greedy, self serving,paranoid, woman oppressing racists. Not to mention earth polluting litterbugs.
Our generation ended a war, brought down a president, stood up for equality for people of color and woman. It was legal for the men of “the greatest generation” to beat their wives . There were no women doctors, lawyers or CEOs, . These men fought against birth control and felt that a woman’s place was in the home. They were second class citizens. The notion of equal pay for equal work was outrageous to them.
We fought for artistic freedoms from censorship. Without us , your cable tv would be a lot different. If ” the greatest generation ” had their way there would be no Beatles , no Rolling Stones, no bob Dylan. You’d be listening g to Lawrence welk! No green day, no nine inch nails, no breaking bad.
The earth was a different place when I was growing up . Poison air, polluted lakes and rivers, trash and litter everywhere. Yeah, we made a big noise about that too.
I’m proud of my generation,we made the world a better place for all who have come after. Hope you appreciate it.

[…] What happens when even the 37% won’t cover the bill? Perhaps then America will consider what Switzerland voted on recently, limiting a CEO’s pay to 12 times that of the company’s lowest-paid worker. The measure did not pass, but I found it interesting how the whole thing got started. The youth wing of the Social Democratic Party collected the 100,000 signatures necessary to turn the measure, known as the 1:12 initiative, into a national referendum. Welcome to the generation of entitlement brats! […]

If parents have even done their job remotely right, the next generation is better, so if you think the next generation sucks, logically it’s actually your fault.

But by extension, anyone stupid enough to go around complaining about the Powers That Be above them, particularly anything anywhere withing lightyears of ”complaining about your parents”, is a real fucking moron.

Do I have zillions of complaints about my parents? Yes. Do I do 1 million % of my effort to tell THEM what my problems with them are and NOT other people, and by extension do I respect everyone of their age/generation and assume that to complain about them would be received like the personal insult on their parenting skills it is, and do I therefore shut up in front of them? Of course.

What kids needs to understand is that they are born into the world as the drop of water on the leaf eaten by the aphids eaten by the ladybugs eaten by the bigger bugs eaten by the birds eaten by the small carnivores eaten by the big carnivores eaten by the humans………

that work at McDonalds eaten by the Assistant Managers eaten by the Community College Graduates eaten by the 4.0 GPAs eaten by the Eagle Scouts eaten by the Parents……..

Eaten by the Dept Head eaten by the Principal eaten by the Superintendant eaten by the General District Manager……..

And now you are almost ready to think about what you actually want to do with your retirement,

On the First Day of the Rest of Your Life in the Real World.

In otherwords– sit down, shut up, stay quiet, nod your head and TRY not to get people to hate you enough to eat you before you’ve grown up.

I am 27 years old who is technically only a big giant nerd who read books instead of got girlfriends and I don’t have an actual 4-Year Degree and I still know this. What is your excuse.

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