Do you know what brand of cheap vodka His Worship, Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto likes to buy by the mickey? Do you know the difference between a basehead and a Bosconian? How many times has 911 been called by him or because of him? What animal did he compare “orientals” to? Can you name the people who’ve resigned since the “crack video” story broke?
If you’ve been following our Peter Griffin-esque joke of a mayor and have amassed all sorts of trivia on him, this is your chance to put that knowledge to good use (aside from voting him out at the next election, of course) — the fine folks at the drinking establishment known as The Ossington (61 Ossington Avenue) are holding their first, and hopefully last, Rob Ford Trivia Night on Wednesday, June 19th at 7:30 p.m..
I do believe I’ll be there!