
The Rob Ford “Crack Video” Story on Jimmy Kimmel

rob ford - kimmel

Whether you’re part of Ford Nation or want to partake in Ford Defenestration, we can all agree that he’s a late night comedy gold mine!

“Rob Ford” appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to dismiss the allegations that there is a video showing him smoking crack with drug dealers. The guy playing Ford is a close-enough-for-sketch-comedy likeness of our mayor, but doesn’t sound much like him. Contrary to the stereotype, we don’t end every sentence with “eh?”.

kimmel ford crack

I rather liked the “vertical video syndrome” they used in the first video clip they showed. This, unfortunately, is how a lot of people shoot videos on their phones.

crack party 1

The “other clips that have surfaced” that Kimmel showed were amusing:

crack party 2

And hey, it isn’t a Canadian party until a mosse waving the flag shows up!

crack party 3

Here’s the segment. Enjoy!

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