
Seen Last Night While Biking Home on Queen Street

01 - why not include some nice birds

There’s some interesting scaffolding outside the Gladstone Hotel’s Art Bar.

02 - put frogs and turtles in the wishing well

Things like this are why I tend to bike whenever possible, even in the winter (it doesn’t snow too much here, and much of the winter season is quite bikeable with the right jacket). In addition to being cheap, about as quick as public transit, and flab-fighting, it also lets me get a closer look at things I might otherwise miss.

03 - there should be more cactus

Some quick Googling revealed what it was all about: it’s promoting this weekend’s Grow Op art-and-ideas exhibition, which is described as follows:

The Gladstone Hotel is pleased to announce the inaugural year of Gladstone Grow Op: Exploring landscape and place, a four-day event to celebrate innovative ideas and conceptual responses to landscape and place across a broad range of creative practices. Grow Op 2013 will facilitate a cross-disciplinary forum for landscape, garden design, art and place making within the vibrant setting of Toronto’s West Queen West neighbourhood.

Grow Op will explore new territories and uncover new ways of expression and meaning through projects that represent a wide range of approaches from the prosaic to the poetic, the elemental to the ephemeral.

grow op

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