
An Interesting Job Perk: Everybody Gets a Bathroom!

Last week, I saw this ad:

private bathrooms

Click to see what this ad’s all about.

“We offer more of the things you want,” it reads, “like private bathrooms. 2,800 jobs. 2,800 rooms. 2,800 bathrooms.” It turns out that it’s not that everyone who works at this place gets  their own executive bathroom. Instead, if you work there — which happens to be ConocoPhillips’ Surmont Phase 2 Project in the Athabasca oil sands in northern Alberta, which is pretty remote — you’d have to live on or near the site. In many similar setups, it means living in dorm-style accommodations, often with shared bathrooms. The video on the site seems to indicate that one of the perks is that the living accommodations are more hotel-like, meaning that you can “shit, shower, shave” in the privacy of your very own in-room can.

One reply on “An Interesting Job Perk: Everybody Gets a Bathroom!”

My wife has worked camp jobs like that a couple of times. They’re actually not bad if you can handle being away from family for longish stretches and they pay exceptionally well.

We (me and our 4 year old) called her one night last year to tell her all about how we both ‘cooked’ the ham sandwiches we had for supper. Her response? “Oh that’s awesome! It’s steak and crab night here.”

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