
This is Why Mommy and Daddy Took Up Drinking

kid ruins tv

Using a TV as a canvas has some interesting artistic possibilities, but I’m sure that’s of no concern to this kid’s parents. I have no idea what the white goop the kid used is, but if it’s water-soluble, there’s a chance the TV could be saved.

2 replies on “This is Why Mommy and Daddy Took Up Drinking”

Amateur. 😉
Sudocrem can be cleaned up by adding soapy solution to a damp cloth, once the bulk of it has been wiped off. It’ll take time, but the screen will be fine.

Despite out putting the television on a higher surface, it did not go unscathed. My kid took the “corn popper” push toy, and hit the screen with it. Some lines at the bottom of the LCD screen, but still watchable. It’s hard to describe this toy, so here’s the link:

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