
Tonight’s Destination: The Castle!


I was telling Anitra about how I got into accordion playing. I probably never would have gotten as into accordion as I am without a lucky break at the old premier club of Toronto’s goth scene, the Sanctuary Vampire Sex Bar (don’t bother looking for it now; it’s a Starbucks).

Upon mention of the Sanctuary, she asked if I’d ever heard of “The Castle”.


I was unaware of the existence of The Castle, a goth bar located here in Tampa (where I am until Sunday evening), in Ybor City, the bar- and restaurant district. I’m told that the old Saturday Night Live skit series Goth Talk, which was essentially Wayne’s World for goths and set in Tampa, was purportedly inspired by The Castle and Tampa’s goth scene.

Anitra told me about a well-known denizen of The Castle, known as “The Senator”. Apparently, he’s an older gentleman who like to go there and dance…in lingerie.


Upon hearing about The Castle, I asked the most natural question: “When I come down to visit, can we go there?”

Anitra, being quite cool, said “Yes,” and that’s this evening’s destination.


I’m bringing black clothes, the accordion and my camera. I’m hoping hilarity ensues. I’ll report with photo later!

For more information, see this Tampa Bay Times article: The Castle Calls.

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