
This Band’s on My “Bucket List”

The Scorpions: four guys playing 'Rock Band', dressed up as 'Scorpion' from 'Mortal Kombat'.

Flawless. Victory.

6 replies on “This Band’s on My “Bucket List””

Seth Christenfeld: “The Scorpions” are like “The Archies” or “Bon Jovi”: they’re bands named after their leader.

And dang, I’d never heard of Smoke until now. I really should try one of the newer Mortal Kombat games. We’ve got the latest one on the Xbox in Shopify’s game room.

Seth Christenfeld: Actually, he first appeared in MK2 (in the forest), but wasn’t available until playable character until MK3.

(The Mortal Kombat games were amongst the handful of games I used to own for SNES back when I was younger, so playing these games for hours upon hours allows me to remember these factoids with excruciating detail.)

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