
Greeting Cards for the Inauguration

The people at someecards are always creating timely new cards to fit the current zeitgeist, so I wasn’t surprised when they came up with plenty for tomorrow’s festivities. Click on any of the cards below to send them to a friend!

Greeting card: "We've now learned that a decimated economy, a clusterfucked war, and the worst-run Republican campaign in history is all it takes for America to elect a black guy."

Greeting card: "It may take a while to adjust to a president who doesn't fill every speech with cringe-inducing gaffes, denial and arrogance."

Greeting card: "This inauguration feels like the first date with a really great guy after an eight-year dysfunctional relationship with a loser who spent all my money."

Greeting card: "Just curious if you're interested in watching the inauguration even though your candidate lost."

Greeting card: "I firmly believe Obama is going to fuck things up less."

Greeting card: "Let's celebrate a new era of racial harmony by considering drinking somewhere other than a non-threatening, mostly Caucasian bar."

Greeting card: "I'm proud to say I was alive when Bush's approval ratings sank lower than those of the only president ever forced to resign."

Let’s face it; people from both vote with their adrenal glands, not their brains:

Greeting card: "I can't wait to find out why we voted for Obama."

someecards tries to address everyone’s greeting card needs. There’s even a card that Steve Sailer and the Bell Curve crowd would gladly send out!

Greeting card: "I couldn't be happier to take part in the ongoing dismantling of my race's dominance."

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