
Karaoke for Kans at Sneaky Dee’s This Saturday!


HoHoTO wasn’t your last opportunity to have a fun night out on the town and help the food bank. Carson T. Foster, Accordion City’s Undisputed King of Karaoke is hosting Karaoke for Kans this Saturday at the legendary lovely dive known to all as Sneaky Dee’s (431 College Street, at the southeast corner of College and Bathurst) this Saturday.

Carson will be bringing his legendary “Kickass Karaoke” library to Sneaky Dee’s; you can check out a reasonably recent list of his songs here. The fun starts at 9 p.m. and admission is either one of:

  • 3 cans of non-perishable food
  • Pay what you can

with all proceeds going to the food bank. With the hard times this year, I suspect that the demand on the food bank will be pretty high this year. If you haven’t yet made a donation to any of our local food banks, this is your chance!

It should be good fun for a good cause; I can’t guarantee anything about the quality of the singing.

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