Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Ooh! New Accordion! / Ooh! Newly Married!

It’s a Silvetta 60-bass piano accordion, which is much smaller and lighter than my other ones. It’s perfect for schlepping to conferences, like the one I’m attending right now, as it’s easier to carry and fits very well within just about every plane’s overhead compartment:

Joey deVilla in his "steampunk" outfit with his new accordion

Oh, the “Phileas Fogg” outfit is from Cory Doctorow’s wedding, which took place yesterday. It was a little bit magic show, a little bit Alice in Wonderland, a little bit steampunk and a whole lot of fun. Mazel tov, Alice and Cory!

Here’s a photo of Danny O’Brien and me flanking the happy groom:

Danny O'Brien, Cory Doctorow and Joey deVilla at Cory's wedding

I’ll post more photos from the wedding later.

3 replies on “Ooh! New Accordion! / Ooh! Newly Married!”

[…] “A promise made is a debt unpaid,” as the narrator in the classic poem The Cremation of Sam McGee says, so I made arrangements to get my hands on (or more accurately, ass into) some assless chaps. Luckily, Toronto has Malabar. It’s a great costume shop located on McCaul Street just of Queen West, and they’ve been a great source of costumes for years. That’s where the Ginger Ninja and I got our outfits for Cory Doctorow’s steampunk-ish wedding back in October: […]

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