It Happened to Me

And Now, the New Job

Archimedes and his lever
An apt metaphor for the new job.

As promised, I am announcing my new job today. But not here: you’ll have to go to Global Nerdy to find out what it is.

3 replies on “And Now, the New Job”

Holy $@#%!!!

I just read the post over at Global Nerdy. Wow. I’m super impressed. It took me three MONTHS to find a new job.

Best of luck to you with the monolith! I’m sure you’ll be able to shake them up a little.

P.S. If you can get rid of the annoying pop-up paper clip, I’d really appreciate it! 😉

Congratulations! That is quite the leap. I hope that they’re as accordion-like as you are.

I can remember being out of work for 19 months just trying to get an interview and then screwing those up (obviously).

I think it’s fantastic that you’ve gotten a challenging job and a complete turnaround. It’ll be interesting to hear about – although I guess they know your blog so you won’t be able to give us any dirt.

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