It Happened to Me

Terminated, Part 8: The Layoff Weight Loss Plan

Bathroom scale

Since getting laid off, I’ve been getting a little less exercise. My bike commute to work, a 14-kilometre (8.7 mile) round trip, is gone. I also haven’t been going to the gym as often, even with the extra free time. I’ve lost five pounds since getting called into my layoff meeting two weeks and two days ago, in spite of the reduced exercise and some pretty big meals, including an anniversary dinner, Wendy’s birthday dinner and the farewell dinner b5 threw earlier this week. I needed to shed that weight anyway; I should make sure not to gain it back once I land a job.

Should you lose your job, your mileage may vary depending on how you respond to stress. I’ve been waking up about an hour earlier than normal to work on my career plans, research the companies who’ve shown an interest in me, and to do a little extra work on some blog entries. I also haven’t felt like eating as much, which comes from feeling twitchy about the situation. If your response to stress is to eat more or drink lots of beer (a.k.a. “liquid bread”), the change in your weight is likely to be the opposite of mine.

2 replies on “Terminated, Part 8: The Layoff Weight Loss Plan”

Ha! I’ve lost about the same amount. I feel a bit conflicted about it, since it doesn’t seem like a particularly healthy way to lose weight, but it definitely doesn’t hurt to have lost it.

Don’t dismiss the benefit of C-PAP, as you are a recent user. There is growing evidence that a healthy sleep is an important part of weight loss.

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