
Surprise Photo of the Day

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou
I did has cheezburger: Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, circa 2005.
Photo from the Daily Mail — click it to see the original.

Be thankful that you’re not stalked by paparazzi. They have a knack for bringing out the ugly in you, as Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou (pictured above) clearly shows.

You might know Mr. Panayiotou by his stage name, “George Michael”, and from his recent arrest in a public bathroom in Northwest London for possession of drugs classified as “Class A” (read “crack”) and “Class C” (read “marijuana”). This isn’t his first “crack in a public bathroom” arrest, although that last one dealt with crack of a different sort.

2 replies on “Surprise Photo of the Day”

[just a detail, but hey…]

I know times are hard and hedge funds are flying low these days, but still: this is London we are talking about, not NYC. Even more so: Hampstead Heath, not northeast Brooklyn… I would strongly hypothesise that the Class A substance involved here is cocaine, not crack. Sure, not a whole lot of chemistry apart, but still not in the same realm of tabloid news degradation…

I think that he looks very like the late George Best in this photo; in fact I *did* think that it was George Best the first time I saw it.

Given what happened to George Best, maybe that’s not a good sign.

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