
Methinks the Party Dudes Doth Protest Too Much [Updated]

Pictures from the Craigslist \"PARTY MANSION\" ad

Here’s a personal ad from Craigslist Austin, presumably written by some guys who are deep in denial. The photos above are from their ad:

PARTY MANSION!!! – mm4mm – 29 (North Philly)
What up? We are three cool dudes looking for other cool dudes to come hang out at our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged, but if you are fat you should find humor in the little things. NOTHING SEXUAL!

Update: Good thing I wrote “presumably”. As it turns out, the ad is a word-perfect copy of a scene from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I’ve never seen an episode of the show.

3 replies on “Methinks the Party Dudes Doth Protest Too Much [Updated]”

Oh man. You’re missing one of the great sitcoms of the 21st century! I believe I’ve seen on it Showcase though there are no episodes currently being aired. When the new season starts, you should give it a look.

Truly hilarious. The format is: take some really uncomfortable idea, apply it to the central characters, and allow a train wreck to develop. Think “Curb Your Enthusiasm” but with young, mentally unstable guys and less continuity between episodes.

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