
DemoCamp Toronto 18: Tuesday, July 15 @ Supermarket!

DemoCamp Toronto 18: Tuesday, July 15th @ Supermarket

It’s Time for Another DemoCamp!

We’ve all been busy for the past few months, but DemoCamp — the show-and-tell networking event for Toronto’s high-tech and startup community — is coming back on Tuesday, July 15th and it’s going to take place in Kensington Market at the restaurant/club Supermarket!

Here are the details:

  • When: Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Where: Supermarket, 268 Augusta Avenue, Toronto.
  • Where do I sign up / get tickets? At
  • What’s the admission? It depends. There are:
    • 200 “general” tickets that are free
    • 50 “community supporter” tickets going for $5.00 (plus a 99 cent processing fee)
    • 25 “community all-star” tickets going for $10.00 (plus a 99 cent processing fee)
    • 5 “sponsor” tickets going for $200.00 (plus a $5 processing fee)

Want to Present at DemoCamp?

DemoCamp isn’t DemoCamp without presenters! We have two kind of presentations:

  1. Demos: Demonstrations of one of your projects in action. You’re not allowed to use slideware like PowerPoint or Keynote — all we want to see on the big projection screen is your project, doing what it does!
  2. Ignite Presentations: A slideware presentation with a time-limit twist — you can use only 20 slides, and they automatically advance every 15 seconds. Is your presentation-fu up to the task?

If you want to present at DemoCamp, you can apply here.

If you want to see what Toronto’s tech community is up to, don’t miss DemoCamp!

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