
Geek Gang Signs

Looking at a “Gang Signs” chart, I asked myself “Why should gangstas have all the fun?” The end result: the “Geek Signs” chart, pictured below. Enjoy!

Geek Gang Signs
Click the image to see the original version.

[This was also posted on Global Nerdy.]

92 replies on “Geek Gang Signs”

missing “vi” => thumb holding ring finger of right hand. don’t ask me about emacs … but i’m sure their fingers are flexible enough to spell it out. ;^)

Windows Vista? Visual Studio? Did MS pay you for that crappy attempt at viral marketing? Turn in your geek card due to epic fail.

@jezra: Nope, MS didn’t pay me, and hey, only 3 out of 16 of the signs are Microsoft-related. The only thing that the chart virally markets is me as a humourist.

@Robert: Considering that WordPress and PHP currently pay my bills, I’d like to have seen those signs, but there wasn’t a sign that looked like the letters “WP” or “PHP”.

I’m not even sure how you’d make a “PHP” sign, but I’m sure there’s a way to be clever about it, the way the Bloods made their “blood” gang sign.

Also missing:
The Right-Hand Rule (aka the official gang sign of the math & science center that provided my most valuable high school education)

[…] Macheads and Windows fanboys can now proclaim their love for their respective platforms through sign language… and oh damn! Is that a Linux Lover encroaching on your turf? Turn that mother out! All you nerds should be careful using these on the street though, since you could come across someone who might mistake them for their real life gangsta counterparts. 7H|_|G L1F3. [Joey DeVilla] […]

yo! why you got to use the black man for gangs.. there are white gangbangers too!

@Malcolm X: I used a black geek because the original graphic had a black gangsta. If I’d used a white geek, someone else would’ve complained to me that I was erasing a black man’s identity by replacing him with a white one.

(That’s why, when it comes to these “you can’t win” race-political games, my reply is invariably “Homey don’t play dat.”)

[…] » Geek Gang Signs » The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century : Joey deVilla’s Persona… From the site : Looking at a “Gang Signs” chart, I asked myself “Why should gangstas have all the fun?” The end result: the “Geek Signs” chart, pictured below. Enjoy! brilliant!!!!!! (tags: geek gang gangsigns signs funny parody satire accordion cool) […]

what about ctrl-alt-delete
right hand- all fingers straight but the pointer and thumb making a (C)
left hand- all fingers straight but the pointer and thumb making a circle (D)
both- touch the tip of both middle fingers to make an upside down “v” (A)

the “blub” sign IS an actual gang sign for the Bloods and the same goes for the “Windows(old school)” and the “Quake engine”. The blub is blood, windows is westside, and quake engine is CK or Crip killer. Just thought I’d let you know…wouldn’t want techies getting messed up or killed over it.

It seems to me that geek gang signs are completely pointless. It seems that it is merely a symbol of geekiness, and it would be a better use of time than learning these to learn the aspects of true geekdom.

I definitely interested reading more from this/es author/s. What I read I enjoyed. I’d like to read more. I’d like a subscription.

[…] Errr… well, I know it’s not my joke, and it’s not quite new, but since this website is about everything Geek on the Web I couldn’t resist to ctrl-c -> ctrl-v it here again: Joe Devillas Geek Gang Signs. […]

funny, when will you try it out? how about java and python? i thank Windows 7 is easy

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