
“Manscaping 101”

It’s a New Blog!

“Manscaping 101″ banner

My friend and b5media co-worker Tris Hussey has started a new blog on the b5 network titled Manscaping 101, a blog devoted to men’s grooming. So far, he’s posted articles on shaving to saving money on razors to styling your hair to cologne to the standard definition of “manscaping” (that is, grooming “below the equator”). Manscaping 101 promises to be a good read for the modern gentleman who cares about his appearance without having to go to ridiculously metrosexual lengths. Go check it out!

“Hair removal” scene from “The 40 Year-Old Virgin”

Bonus Material

Scene from the “South Park” episode, “South Park is Gay”

For your amusement, here’s the South Park episode South Park is Gay, the one in which the entire town falls victim to the metrosexual craze, which turns out to be a plot to take over the world.

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