Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

You Don’t See Bondage Pants Deals Like This Every Day

Seen on Queen Street West yesterday:

Sandwich board on Queen West: “Bondage Pants now $60 - 65″

3 replies on “You Don’t See Bondage Pants Deals Like This Every Day”

@Chris Taylor: There is that area of the Big Nerd Venn Diagram where Trekkiedom and the whips-and-chains set overlap.

Another place where the “Star Trek” has been used (overused, in fact): rave posters and flyers.

This is where my education is lacking. I have never seen said Big Nerd Venn Diagram. Nor rave ads with Star Trek fonts.

Maybe my rave days are too far in the past, but back then they were all poorly-photocopied versions of handwritten stuff with art you would have been ashamed to unveil in Grade 5. Or a horrendous mash of bad fonts AND bad clip art. Kinda like… this.

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