Click the photo to see it on its original Flickr page.
[Via Boing Boing] Here’s a page from the 1906 schoolbook New Complete Geography showing a number of various “races” and what they look like.
Note the inclusion of “Philippino” — probably included because the Philippines was an American protectorate at the time (one of the by-products of which was my great-grandfather, one James O’Hara, born near Dayton, Ohio). I thought I’d run the image of my kababayan (countryman) from the book side-by-side with my own smiling mug, just for kicks:
Should I swap my goatee for that splendiferous handlebar moustache from the illustration?
12 replies on ““Races” and Their Faces, 1906-Style”
What’s a Nubian?
Aw, you didn’t do a picture of me next to the “Hebrew” guy.
Something unspeakable must have happened to Greek guys between 1906 and now.
I wonder if any of my relatives have a matador hat like the Spaniard’s, because relly, I don’t even think they own one!
That kind of moustache requires waxing. A lot of work but memorable, for sure. If you ever need to evict widows and orphans from their homes, you’ll be all set!
Yes, you absolutely must have a handlebar moustache in this day and age.
I like how “Anglo-Saxon” was conveniently located top-center.
Also, facial hair has apparently gotten a lot less cool in the last 100 years.
So I’d be the Scottish Highlander (all of my great grandparents lived there in 1906, so maybe one of them posed for this.) Actually, looks more like Frank, who’s not Scottish at all.
Wendy, maybe you should instead be pictured next to a Bostom Cream Pie. Sweet! And less facial hair!
It says 15- 17 ….Ethiopian???
Here is an interesting video I came across on you tube
After seeing the picture of that “Spaniard” I ran to the nearest shop in order to purchase a torero hat. Now I wear it all the time and I feel like a real-real Spaniard… !olé¡
Nubia is a region along the Nile river encompassing the area between Aswan in southern Egypt and Khartoum in central Sudan