
A Lovely Birthday Party

Saturday’s birthday party was fantastic — I think I’m still recovering! Luckily, I arranged to take a personal day today tp hang out with the Ginger Ninja and Dave.

Photos are forthcoming, but here’s a quick preview:

Joey deVilla having a Red Bull and vodka at his 40th birthday party
Look at that suave expression — it’s proof that they should have cast me instead of John Cho as “Mr. Sulu” in the upcoming Star Trek movie.

Joey deVilla, throwing the horns and having a Red Bull and vodka at his 40th birthday party
It’s not a party until someone “throws the horns”.

My thanks to everyone who came, and to The Parkdale Drink who provided a great location, friendly service, tasty food and a non-stop stream of Red Bull and vodkas for the birthday boy. If you haven’t yet visited the Parkdale Drink, do so — it’s still just off the West Queen West crowd’s collective radar, and it’s a nice little place for dinner or drinks.





More photos later!

3 replies on “A Lovely Birthday Party”

Oh, sure. Brett and Eva look like they’re discussing Astrophysics and Frank and I look like we’ve been smoking banana peels.

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