
I’m Always Happy to be the Next Big Meme

According to the funny webcomic Wondermark, here are next year’s big memes. I’m glad to see that I could very well be among them…

“Next year’s memes”, according to Wondermark: deep-sea divers, befuddled wizards, treasures of antiquity, naughty jesters, gendarmes, sultans/caliphs, bears in ill-fitting hats and ‘this guy’ (a guy playing an accordion).
Click to see the full comic on its original page.

One reply on “I’m Always Happy to be the Next Big Meme”

i am sad that gendarmes have less to do with gender than i had hoped.

also i am sad about the lack of women pending memeage next year! i guess that is the internet for you.

i am quite intrigued by the bears in ill-fitting hats.

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